chapter 12(edited)

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So my first chapters were written HORRIBLY and someone pointed it out, which i'm grateful for. It will take even more time to update since I'm going to be fixing them so that they are atleast somewhat enjoyable. I'm pretty sure you were annoyed by that. Anyways enough rambling, here is a new chapter. I also updated the description.


Izuku was walking to the bar and heard the sound of explosions and people screaming.

"That must be the sludge monster, hahahah, oh I wonder if he caught someone."

Izuku made his way to where the commotion was coming from. Once he was there he pushed through the crowd, trying to see what was happening.

"What's happening?"

"A villain caught a kid, the heroes aren't doing anything to stop the villain either."

Izuku moved closer and saw that indeed the villain had someone captured.

It was a kid with blond hair, he appeared to be a middle schooler. Izuku looked around and saw that the heroes weren't doing anything.

'Wasn't All might close? Why isn't he here?'

Izuku met eyes with the blond, his red eyes were begging for help. It made his stomach turn at how much pain the eyes had in them.

The greenete is crazy, to be honest, he would not have ran at the villain if it weren't for his anger towards the heroes.

Izuku stopped infront of the villain, backing up slowly.

"Here again you brat?!"

Izuku ignored him and jumped up, turning his leg into a scythe blade mid air.

He aimed a kick at the villains other eye, twisting his leg he pulled his eye out. The villain screamed.

Izuku couldn't hold the giggle that made it's way out of his throat.


Izuku grabbed the boys hand, dragging him out of the slime.

The blond started gasping for breath. Izuku turned his leg back to normal, grabbed him and ran away before the villain could hit him.

The slime man passed out due to blood loss.

The greenete placed the blond on the floor.

"Kid that was dangerous, do you know how badly injured you could have gotten!?"

"Well did you do anything? I did your job for you. Let me pass, my dad will get cranky again."

The heroes shut up after the first statement. They knew the kid was right

Pushing through the crowd Izuku headed towards the bar, all he wanted was to throw himself onto his bed and sleep on his problems.


Izuku was calmly walking when a giant man yelled at him, startling the petite boy.


Izuku looked at him with an annoyed expresion, he rolled his eyes and attempted to walk away.


"What do you want from me?"


"Come again?"

"Young man, you saved that kid and jumped right into danger when none of the heroes were doing anything. You didn't stop and think about what could have happened to you, only thinking about saving him."

"You were there the whole time?"

"Yes, but let me-"

"LET ME TALK, you were there the whole time and just watched as he was dying?! You could have easily blasted the slime villain away but you chose to stay there watching?"

"I know what I did was wrong, but hear me out."


"Thank you young man, I obtained an injury five years ago from a fight with a villan. Because of the fight I can only fight crime for about 3 hours a day, everyday the time keeps decreasing."

All might then proceeded to show Izuku his scar, unaware that the kid was making up different ways to kill him with the information.

"Why exactly are you telling me this?"

"Because I want to give you my power. I need a succesor for it since I'm slowly running out of time. This power was passed on for generations like a torch, and I want to pass that torch onto you. So what do you say young one, will you accept my power?"



"I will not accept your power, you barely know me yet you decide to give me this power and tell me all this information. For all you know I can be a villain and you just sold out your secret to ending your hero career."

"But you aren't a villain are you?"

"I don't know, why don't you actually take the time to know me and find out."

Izuku passed by the hero, leaving him dumbfounded.

All might turned into his weak form once he saw the bush of green hair leave his vision.

He sighed and walked towards his apartment, thinking about the kids words.


I can't promise an update schedule anymore, I'm sorry.

It's not that I don't have ideas for the story, it's just that I can't find the time to update anything.

For anyone who doesen't like the way Uraraka acts, don't worry, she has a motive for her actions. It just won't be revealed yet.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this slightly rushed chapter.

Word count(with a/n): 864

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