chapter 7(edited)

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Slight Uradeku (Listen, don't tell me how much you don't like it, not everything is going to be yaoi, I will add yaoi, just not now. Please be patient. Trust me, I absolutely love yaoi and I spend some time reading it, but I want to try and add variation, I hope you understand. Not everyone likes the same things you do. I'm getting annoyed because of e everyone saying the same thing. It's my story, and I will add things I like, if you can't handle that fact then you can leave or I'll discontinue it because more things like these are going to come.)

It was 4:00 am right now.

Why are they up so early you ask?

Well, today is the day that Izuku enters pre-school and they wanted to make sure he had a big breakfast and got all his school supplies ready.

Not to mention they wanted to take a lot of pictures of him in his uniform.

Kurogiri is cooking breakfast, Toga is preparing his uniform and accessories, Dabi is making sure he has everything he needs in his backpack and Tomura is... well

Taking pictures of Izuku in his sleep.

That isn't really something school related but he's doing it for the photo album.

And the kid is cute, okay?

Anyways All for One wanted to be there for his first day but he had to attend... business.

"I finished the food, someone goes wake up Izuku."

"I'll do it!"

Toga ran over to Shigaraki and Izuku's room and slammed the door open, startling Shigaraki. Izuku somehow managed to stay asleep.

"Toga what the fuck?!"

"I came to wake up Izu~chan!"

"Oh, right."


Izuku jumped out of bed, slamming his head on the floor.

"Why did you wake me?"

"You have school Izu~chan, remember?"

Izuku groans and walks over to the bathroom.

"He's so cute!"

"Cute?  No, he's a brat."

"A cute brat."



After Izuku finishes showering he walks down the stairs in a cute bunny towel.

"Izuku here's your clothes, Dabi helps him put them on."

"Yes sir."

Dabi walks over to Izuku holding the uniform, he picks up Izuku and takes him over to his room to change.


"I don't like it!"

"I don't care, put it on"

"But I don't like it!"

"If you don't put it on I'll tell daddy."


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