chapter 4(edited)

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The one thing Shigaraki hates other than All might is the league making Izuku do things he's not supposed to do.

Take the time that Dabi bribed Izuku to scream at Shigaraki and say I hate you.

That hurt, okay?

Right now Izuku is three years old. They can't even believe they could take care of a child for that long without going insane.

Well, when Halloween came up they dressed up the poor child to look like his "daddy". People were asking themselves how their parents could let their child dress up like that.

They aren't normal people anyways so they shouldn't mind.

The only reason they gave Izuku candy was that he's cute. They gave him the whole bowl.

The other kids were crying.

Izuku met this kid with black hair and a weird mouth. He insulted him so hard the kid started bawling his eyes out. The league was trying not to laugh.

Shigaraki is trying to tell himself to not punish Izuku, it's not his fault he's misbehaving, it's the leagues.

The other day All for one gave Izuku an ass whopping because he said he was a crybaby.

The league literally had to pull
All for One off the child so that he doesn't kill him.

Izuku was hospitalized for two weeks.

When All visited he hugged him and cried, that just proved Shigaraki's point.

Shigaraki would list everything but the child has done far too much that if you were told you would go insane.

So just one more thing.

The child is a smartass, that may sound good, and it is, but he used his brain for a ridiculous reason.

Izuku was playing in the bar and just so happened to overhear a meeting they were having.

"Are the names ready?"

"Shigaraki, how many times do I have to say yes?"

"Just making sure."

"What parts are we going to attack in?"

"Shi~kun said it doesn't matter, you just need to cause so much destruction that it makes it into history."

"History my ass, we will most likely end up on the news for a day."


"Izuku, don't repeat"

"If we make a big attack we will be feared, not only that but if we kill a lot of people, they will lose faith in the heroes."

'Attack? I wanna go!'

When they were preparing to go out Izuku managed to get on top of a name.

There was fire everywhere, dead bodies, blood, destruction. Izuku was seeing all of that, but he dosen't mind, you earn quite the fucked up head when you live with villains.

"Weee! Daddy look! Look! I'm tall!"


"Izu~chan?! No, don't look! Close your eyes!"

"Tomura what is wrong with your son?!"

The pro heroes looked over and were a small child on top of a name.

All might ran over and picked the child up from the name.

"Don't touch my son you piece of shit!"

He looked at the child again. The kid looked clean, not what you would expect if you saw someone that was held captive, not that Izuku was held captive anyway.

"D-daddy, dd-daddy save me!"

'Save me? what does he mean?'

Shigaraki ran over with hand outstretched, all might saw and moved to the side, dodging his hand.

"Child, who's your father?"

"T-the man w-with the blue h-hair"

All might look at the child shocked, questioning if he really was the villain's son, or he was brainwashed, he figured the second answer was right.

"Please don't take him away from us! You can take our base, our belongings, everything! Just please don't take Izuku away from us, he's the only good thing we have left."

All might look over at where that voice was coming from and found the league crying around Shigaraki. He looked between the child and them.

"I don't wanna go! I wanna stay with Himiko~chan, kuro~kuro, Dabi~di, Grandpa One and daddy! I don't want them to be sad!"

All might look over again and walk over.

"I will give you the child, if I find out you kidnapped and brainwashed him I'll take him and never let you see him"

They all looked up from the floor and stared at him shocked. Tomura ran over to all might and took Izuku from his hands.

"This is the only time I'm saying this, but, thank you, thank you-you piece of shit."

"I'm still going to put you all in jail for this."


"They're getting away!"

Now Shigaraki is pretty sure that the child is the literal devil.

He made up his mind.

He's getting an ass whooping.


It's morning right now and Kurogiri is cooking breakfast.

"Shigaraki you didn't need to hit Izuku that hard."

"Yeah! He came to me crying!"

"He may be a brat, but he's still a child, ghost bitch."

"He needs to learn discipline."

"You gave him a scar!"

"Master did too!"

"Yeah, but we have to respect everything he does."

"Are you saying that if he shoots, and kills Izuku, it's alright?"

"Shut up, Dabi"

Izuku woke up and ran all the way down the stairs over to Shigaraki.


He jumped up to Shigaraki's lap and snuggled into his chest.


"Get off his lap Izuku, come over here to Dabi~dii."

He got off his lap and ran over to Dabi.

They ate breakfast and kept on with their day.


It was night time and Toga went to put Izuku to bed. She was about to leave the room when Izuku called out to her.


"Yes, Izu~chan?"

"I love you"

"I love you too Izu!"

Izuku went to sleep peacefully, having sweet dreams about his small family.


This was edited

Word count:974

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