chapter 14

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Izuku woke up in a couch surrounded by blankets and pillows. His hair was messy and all over it.

Something was different, he doesn't remember this place being at the bar. Izuku looked around and saw a lit fireplace emitting bright yellow and orange flames.

Looking around some more he saw two large black couches and a wooden coffee table. On the ceiling was a big chandelier with white candles around it.

'What the hell is this place?'

Izuku had a confused look on his face, where was he and how did he end up here?

He grabbed his long hair and tied it up in a loose bun with one of the rubber bands adorning his wrist. Two thin pieces of green hair that managed to escape the bun were hanging on either side of his face, highlighting his round cheeks.

He ripped the covers from his body and got up, almost tripping over the blanket on the floor.

The white tank top covering Izuku's chest exposed his freckled shoulders to the cold coming from the long air conditioner mounted on the wall.


Izuku yelled, hoping that at least somebody heard him so that they can explain where he was.

It seemed that somebody did hear him because the second he opened his mouth to yell even more he heard rushed footsteps coming down the stairs.






Shigaraki stomped over to Izuku with his fist clenched ready to punch him. Izuku doing the same.

"Let's not hit each other, okay?" Toga said, seperating the father and son.

They grumbled,  they weren't even going to do anything bad. Sure, they probably would have broken a bone or two, but All for One could have easily healed him with one of his many quirks.

Izuku looked over at Toga and asked the question that has been lingering on his mind ever since he woke up.

"Where are we, anyways?"

The blond looked at him questioningly and tilted her head.

"You don't remember?"

Izuku shook his head, furrowing his brows.

"No I remember, I'm just asking for no reason because I want to waste valuable oxigen and die. What do you think?"

"Jeez, no need to get salty. But honestly, do you not remember?"


Izuku whined pathetically, did she not understand?

Dabi pushed Toga out of the way, she was starting to annoy the scared man.

"Hey, broccoli, atleast try to remember what happened. You're forcing blondies stupid brain to think, you already know she can't do that properly."

"Hey! I'm not that dumb!"

"You just admited that you're dumb."

Tuning them out, Izuku started to try and remember.

Then, all the memories of what happened hit him like a truck.

From when the heroes broke in to when he fell asleep on the couch. The sentimental part of him that he tried to hide away came out, along with salty tears.

Seeing the state he was in Toga embraced him and twirled the strands of hair on the sides of his face.

"Shhh, don't cry, we're okay now."

Toga cooed, Izuku hated it when they babied him but he needed that right now. 

All for One ran down the stairs, his raven black hair flying back because of the wind created from his speed.


Kurogiri followed behind the grey eyed man, worry being shown by the way he played with his black tie.

Dabi walked to Izuku and Toga. He embraced the both of them, although a bit hesitant to do it. Shigaraki immediately hugged them, not even caring about Dabi being there.

"Stop crying, Izuku"

Izuku was suprised at the use of his name. No brat, no pipsqueak, there wasn't any mock in his words.

Did he hear right?

All for One ran over with Kurogiri in his arms and embraced all of them with his large arms.

Izuku managed to calm down, snot was coming out of his nose and hiccups exited his throat every couple of seconds.

"Are you calm now, Izu~Chan?" Toga said, handing him a tissue to blow his nose.

He nodded, taking the tissue offered to him.

Kurogiri left to go get a glass of water for Izuku.

"I miss that place, it's my entire childhood"

He wore a solemn look, All for One didn't like that. 

"Hey, smile a bit! Be grateful that we're not dead."

He grabbed the sides of Izuku's mouth and stretched them, making it look like he was grinning.

Kurogiri came back with a glass of ice cold water and gave it to the greenette.

Izuku grabbed the glass and chugged down the water. Refreshing.

"Go to the kitchen, I made pancakes."


They were seated in the stools at the counter, the aroma of food filling their noses.

They were about to dig in when Kurogiri said something.

"Not so fast, what do you say before you eat?"

"Itadakimasu" They said in unison.

"Good, you can start eating now."

They immediately started stuffing their mouths with the fluffy buttermilk pancakes.

Izuku asked a question out of no-where that made their heads turn to misty boi.

"Kurogiri, how exactly do you eat?"

"I- you wouldn't want to know"


If you noticed, I changed All for One from an uncle to a grandfather since it would make more sense.

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