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Hey! So I thought I should say this now since it's been months, but I'm not going to update this fic anymore. I know, I know, it's maybe bad news, but listen to me. It's my first fic and I didn't have a single idea of what I was doing, now how I was supposed to do it. In the past months, I've been learning more, practicing and doing small little things. I look back at this work and think "wow, this is horrible."

But! Don't get too sad! I'm actually going to rewrite this! Like I said, it's absolutely shit, and, frankly, I didn't think that people were going to read it once I first wrote it, so I didn't care. But now I'm going to rewrite everything to make it more enjoyable. Nothing makes sense and it's horrible. But, unfortunately, you probably won't be getting a rewrite anytime soon. I have another account that I'm currently going to post on and I want to work on that first. Not to mention that I have so many unfinished works.

Also, I'm probably going to be moving onto Ao3, I'll still post here but I just think that it's better. Wattpad's tag system is shit, and it's horrible in general. But, anyways, sorry to say but you're probably going to be waiting another few months until I actually update, like I said before.

I also wanted to clear up some things. The little "hint" that says "uncle dates grandpa" isn't actually anything serious, like some (probably the majority) thought. It was just a little match-making filler chapter. And since a lot of people gave been asking and saying things, sorry to disappoint the straight shippers, but the endgame is going to be a gay couple. The fic isn't going to be focused on that though. I try my best to write with what my readers want in mind, but it's difficult when one person ships something that the other doesn't. I'll do it the way I want to, and if you don't like it then you either deal with it or leave. Because I won't hold myself back on what I want to write anymore. It is my work and I can't force myself to write something I don't want to.

And a quick question, why are literally all of my readers edgy?

If you have questions, just ask them below ⬇️⬇️


I need a break form all of this, and I want to focus on what makes me happy and my interests have changed, with being more exposed to the internet and shit, y'know? I won't say the username of my other account, at least not at the moment, so please don't ask. That other account is a little more personal and I'm going to write things that say more about me on there. This is just my side account, suprise! So I want to keep it as far away from personal things as I can, because nobody came here for that.

Take care, until next time! It's been fun writing this book and learning more, but I don't think it's right to lie and not say anything for so long. I won't be leaving forever, but it is going to be some time. Things are going to change in the rewrite and I want to write something that I'm proud of. For your enjoyment and mine. Thanks for reading this, you guys mean a lot to me and I want to make you guys proud.

And if you were asking about my other fic, no, I won't be rewriting that one. It's going to stay on hold for a few more months, but it's a book I actually like. Just thought I should say that.

And, finally, formally saying goodbye. Bye! Keep liking what you like and don't let other people pull you down! Unless you're a pedophile or a rapist, yucky. And don't be an anti! If you don't like a ship then ignore it and don't say anything.

All said, bye bye! I love you guys. Finally, until next time, haha!

Villain Family (DISCONTINUED/REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now