chapter 11(edited)

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I'm going to start moving towards the original plot now, I hope you like this chapter!
"Izuku you're going to UA"

"What, why?!"

"Because if you go there we will be able to gain information, we can also kill all might."

"And what exactly does UA have to do with all might?"

"He's teaching there."

"Oh yeah because I'm going to just spend my time training to be a hero just for my sweet grandfather. No, I hate heroes and everything that has to do with them."

"Izu, you're the only person here that can go to UA."

"Can't one of you just sneak in?"

"It will be much more convenient if you go."

"What do I get out of this?"

"I'll kidnap people and you can do anything to them."

"Okay!" Izuku giggled and instantly agreed once hearing what All for One said, proving that their suspicions were right.

Izuku is officially a psychopath.

All for One sighed at the small teen's enthusiasm.

"Well the entrance exams for UA are in 10 months so you need to train if you want to make me proud."

"I'll make sure to get in, oh I can already hear the screams of the people as I torture them!" He giggled insanely, grinning unnaturally wide.

"Toga what have you done?!"

"Oh shut up it wasn't me!"

Izuku ran over to his room excitedly, joy fading slightly when he remembered he had to go.


Izuku was silently sitting at his desk waiting for the teacher to pass him the stupid career choice paper.

He did not want to go to UA but he did not have a choice, if he had one he would probably just drop out. Izuku is going to be a villain anyway, so what did he need education for?

Now, right in his face was the sheet of paper that was possibly going to ruin his teenage years. He was debating if he should write down UA or not, yes he had 10 months and that was plenty of time to change it if he wished, but Izuku did not want another beating, thank you very much.

It's not that his dad is abusive, no that's definitely not the case, but he tended to go a bit overboard when training. He makes training more difficult if Izuku was to disobey to anything he's asked to do. Shigaraki loves him very much and would do anything for Izuku if something was to happen to him, he is just a bit of a man child, and bipolar.

Izuku finally sucked it up and decided to just wrote it down.

The teacher picked up the papers and kept his gaze on Izuku for 2 seconds and kept on picking up the papers.

The teacher was saying something that Izuku did not care about enough to pay attention to, but his head snapped up when he heard his name being called out.

"Shigaraki you are aiming for UA?!"

Everyone was murmuring, questioning his decision

"You want to be a hero? You can only turn into weapons, if you try to attack you'll instantly kill the enemy, your quirk only works for villainy, don't try to aim for the impossible."

"Who asked for your opinion? At least I'm aiming for something big and I have a quirk to go with my decision, all you can do is change your hair color."


On the outside, Izuku looked like he was calm, but on the inside, he was raging. He wanted to slice that guys head off and use it to go bowling.

"Uraraka you're going to aim for UA too?!"

"Yep! And I'm even more excited since Izu~kun is going too!"

Izuku slammed his head on the desk, he didn't even want to go to UA and now that he found out that the piglet is going there too he is starting to think that maybe torturing people is not worth it.

It's not that he hated Ochako, well he did but that's not the point right now, it's just that she's too clingy, yes she's very beautiful but Izuku would rather date one of the stupid rats that are infesting his house than date her.

"Aren't you excited for me ba-"

"For the love of God, don't call me that stupid name again!"

"But are you excited? We will be able to be together!"



Izuku is starting to think that maybe he's not the only mentally unstable person in the room.


Izuku was walking home from school contemplating his actions, should he really go to UA or should he just surfer from one Shigaraki's beatings.

He was walking under a tunnel and a disgusting smell reached his nose.

"Ohh, lookie here an adorable meat shield, you'll stand out but you'll do."

Izuku looked behind him and saw slime moving rapidly toward him, he turned his arm into a blade and slashed at the slime. It did not affect it at all, it reformed quickly.

'Damn it!'

He focused on the slime and saw a pair of eyes, it was the only body part visible through the slime.

Izuku jumped up and aimed at his eyes, the blade got stuck on his left eye. Izuku attempted to stick another blade in his eye when a strong gust of wind knocked him back, causing him to fall on the ground and black out.


Izuku woke up to the feeling of being repeatedly slapped on the face.

"Can you stop that?"


"Yeah fine and dandy because I definitely didn't just fall off a stupid monster and hit my head."


"That was sarcasm you-, forget it. I'm leaving, if I have a concussion it's your fault."

All might lept on the air and left. Izuku noticed a bottle on the floor and picked it up.

"So he forgot to pick up the villain, huh? He really is stupid, hehe hahaha oh I wonder what would happen if I let them out~!"

Izuku uncapped the bottle and ran away, he did not want to get caught by the villain again.


Sorry for not posting for a week bois, I was reading so much fanfiction.

Anyways I finally decided to get my lazy ass to the computer and update.

Words(with a/n): 1019

This was edited

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