chapter 6(edited)

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"Wait Izuku ran away?!"

"Yes! What if he got kidnapped, or killed? Izuku must be cr-"

All for One got cut off by Dabi pushing by him and running off.

"Great, now we lost another one"


Dabi was running around the mall looking for Izuku when he walked around a corner and saw some men around a child.


"If you come with us we'll help you find your daddy."

"Yeah, we know where he is."

"Now why don't you come with us?"

Dabi was about to run over and beat the men up when he heard Izuku start to talk.

"My family always say to never talk to ugly people, especially disgustingly ugly people."

"Eh?! Say something like that again you brat!"

"Yeah! We're not ugly!"

"They also say that if someone wants to take me to daddy then they can go fuck themselves, but I'm not sure what that means."

"This brat!"

"Oi, you think you can say things like that and get away with it?!"

One of the guys was about to hit Izuku when Dabi ran over and pushed Izuku out of the way.

"Who are you?!"

"Dabi now stands back or I'll burn you!"

"Heh, you think you scare us, huh?!"

Another man ran over to Izuku with his fist raised ready to attack when he started turning into ashes.

He screamed in agony and the group watched in horror as the man burned slowly while falling to the floor.

"Let's go we're going to get killed!"

"Yeah let's run!"

Before they could even move from their spot Dabi shot out a big burst of fire, creating them.

"Izuku let's go, everyone is worried about you."


Dabi put his hand out and took Izuku's small freckled hand in his own.


When they got over to where the league was waiting they all pounced on top of him and started crying tears of happiness except for Kurogiri since he's mist, but if he could cry he would.

"Where were you?!"

"Don't ever scare us like that again!"

"You almost gave me a heart attack Izuku!"

Tomura ran over to Izuku with a very angry expression.

"Izuku Shigaraki can you explain to me WHERE THE FUCK YOU WAS AT?!"

"I was in a dark corner and some men told me they were going to take me where you were!"

"You're lucky you're cute"


The league got to the bar holding bags full of school supplies and bags full of accessories and clothes.

"And he was like 'pow' and then she was like 'bam'!"

"What happened next Izu~chan?"

"The heroes won, but hey! at least they kicked ass!"

"Izuku! Where did you learn that?"

"From Dabi!"

"Oh god!"

They put the bags down and started sorting through them.

They put Izuku in some outfits deemed "cute" and ate dinner.

Afterwards Shigaraki bathed Izuku and put him to sleep, joining him shortly after.

This was edited

Word count(with a/n):494

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