chapter 13

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First of all, I am so sorry for not updating in the past 2 weeks. I was caught up in the last exams and then when I finished them I had to spend time with my family. Second, I made a new story, an emo Deku one which was the idea that won the poll(?), it's slightly serious but that's just on the first few chapters. Third, I changed the name of the story and the cover, but I don't know if it's unleading, I'm planning on changing it. That's all I have to say, again, i'm sorry.

Almost forgot, if you want you can recommend a ship and I'll try to make a story out of it or a ship oneshot book and add it, since some of you were upset that a certain pair couldn't happen. Maybe you could recommend a rare ship?

You can choose if you want it to be smut, angst, fluff, etc. I'll do anything! You can also choose a plot if you want.


Life has gone to shit and Izuku will gladly admit that, what happened you may ask?

The bar is being raided by pro heroes.

It's not just the bar, it's the whole hideout. Now they are running for their lives and being careful not to be caught by the pro heroes, they don't plan on going to jail any time soon.

"Kurogiri make a portal!"

"I can't right now, can't you see that I'm running, Tomura?!"

"Ugh, you're so useless!"

Toga groaned upon hearing the small discussion, why on earth did they choose to do that now?

"Shut up, both of you! Can't you see that we are trying not to get caught by the heroes?! Don't be dumbasses!"

Izuku is trying to run faster but with his short legs he might as well be considered left behing.

'Damn you short legs'

Dabi looked behind him and saw Izuku struggling, he tried to hold back a laugh but it came out. Good thing Izuku was far so he couldn't hear it.

The scarred man ran over to Izuku and picked him up, giving him a piggy back ride.

"Let go of me ojisan!"

"And let you be caught by the heroes? No can do Izu-dude"

Izuku shut his mouth when he realized that if he got put down he would, infact, get caught by the heroes. Also because it was rather comfortable up on his back.

The heroes seemed to be getting closer and Izuku was starting to panic. Unconsciously, he started mumbling his thoughts.

"What if we get caught? What if we die? What if dad dies? What if auntie dies? What if uncle dies? What if grandpa one gets put in prison? What if Kuro~Kuro gets caught? What if-"

"Izuku calm down, were almost at where we need to go, none of that will happen."

Izuku looked down and sighed, feeling his unease dissapear slightly.

They could hear the pro's shouting at them but they ignored it in favor of running away.

A rock hit Kurogiri's neck piece, almost making it fall off. They looked at him shocked when suddenly, they were all being hit by rocks.

'Dammit, I think it's someone's quirk.'

Shigaraki was disintegrating the rocks flying at him, Kurogiri was making small portals, Dabi was cremating them and Toga was dodging.

Izuku looked behind him and saw the hero who was making the rocks. Chains sprouted from Izuku's hands and made their way towards the hero, wrapping aroud the pro's body. Izuku yanked the chains and flung the man to the wall, knocking him out. Rocks stopped flying at them.

Villain Family (DISCONTINUED/REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now