chapter 8(edited)

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Izuku has picked up some habits, some impressive, others plain out stupid.

He giggles after everything he says something, it's creepy, but they give him the benefit of the doubt because he's a child.

Nonetheless, it's still creepy.

They like to blame Toga, saying that because of her psychotic ass they are going to be raising a possible psychopath, but it could be just a phase.

The giggling thing seems cute when used in innocent phrases like:

'That looks cute'


'I'm strong!'

But in creepy phrases, that's when they question the poor kid's sanity.

Examples are:

'The big man says hello'


'Look at how the red flows from the arm!'

Where did the child learn that? Easy answer.

Bad parenting.

Not necessarily parenting, adding the fact that he was raised by everyone, but you get the point.

But the truth is he picked it up from Ochako, since for some reason, totally not because she has a crush on him, she giggles after saying something to him, he felt like he was being left out for some reason because of the fact so he started to do it too.

Another thing he picked up is skipping, totally because of Toga that's obvious.

Instead of walking like any normal person would he skips, it's not that bothersome at first, but it gets annoying later on.

Whatever chance he gets he skips.

That's just adding to the list of why Shigaraki calls the child a brat, not that Izuku minds because he states. "If daddy says it it's not bad because daddy loves me and would never insult me."

Gullible child, really.

A habit that works well for the league, but needs work is Izuku's love for analyzing not just heroes, but villains too.

But as mentioned, this ability comes with a feature that needs work.


When he's analyzing he tends to mutter, which of course, is annoying.

Think of it as a quirk and it's a drawback.

For example, Shigaraki's quirk, he can decay anything if touched with all five fingers, but if overused he suffers from dry skin.

They went to a quirk specialist already and confirmed that no, it's not his quirk, just that he acquired an amazing ability.

When Izuku grows up they can assign him to investigate hero quirks so they can have a higher chance at winning against them.

He can also learn villain quirks too so that they can wipe out the competition.

But Izuku learning new things always makes the league smile, and Izuku likes to see them happy, so he now has a motto that states:

'It's not a bad thing to learn new things if by doing it you make other people proud, then I'll learn more if it makes people like me!'

Quite the words for a three-year-old.

Their hearts ache whenever Izuku does something, doesn't matter what it is, they will always find it cute.

He could be eating innocently and they would still find it cute.

But Izuku likes it when they give him attention, so he keeps on doing whatever it is that makes them get all over him.

Izuku also gets mistaken as a girl for his long hair, but he doesn't care what anybody else thinks, he has no reason to.

Even though it can get a little irritating if it keeps on happening over and over again.

One more thing about Izuku is that he's sarcastic, which is annoying if you want to be able to have a normal conversation with him.

Either way, Izuku is one adorable unique boy.

Also an annoying brat, words of Shigaraki, of course.


Okay, what is this sorry excuse of a chapter?

It had no dialogue, it was written for Izuku's personality to be a little more introduced.

Sorry, it's short.

Right now the story seems to not be following a plot, but I'll start to follow a plot once he grows 14 or 15 since that's where I change the original plot for BNHA so yeah, thanks for reading.

I'll see you tomorrow if I decide not to be a lazy sack of horse shit. Buh-bye!

Word count(with a/n):722

I already changed the plot for BNHA, wtf past me from like 2 minutes ago.

This was edited

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