chapter 9(edited)

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My boi Izuku leveled up to level 4 boizz.

Oh, he also gets his quirk.


It's Izuku's birthday and the league decorated the bar to make it look a little better, not to mention it looked very rundown.

Another thing is that they celebrate Christmas and the anniversary for the day Tomura found Izuku.

Really exciting.

It had balloons, Christmas lights, a cake on a table, candles, tiny trees, everything you can think of Christmas AND birthday related, it's there.

Finally, a big tree in the corner of the bar emitting a musky but slightly sweet scent, tall but a height short enough to not touch the roof and decorated with so many different accessories you can't even see the leaves.

Izuku was excited to see what his quirk would be if he gets a quirk powerful enough sensei might even let him join in one of the missions, he doesn't know exactly what the missions are but every time they have to go they look a bit excited.

It's not fair that they get to have fun while he has to stay in his room because for some reason he can't leave other than to go to the main area.

Either way, the small group is listening to music and dancing, Izuku sees this and thinks 'if they are dancing then I should dance too'

And he does.

Oh boy, he does.

When he started dancing he kept on tripping, throwing things on the floor and pushing.

"Izuku stop that!"

"Ehh, I'm just dancing!"

"You keep pushing and throwing things, Izu~chan."

"Izuku, baby, be more careful."

"I am being careful! You just keep getting in my way!"

"At least try not to tip things over, come here. " Sighing, Dabi picked up the child and placed him on his shoulders, securing him so that he doesn't fall.

"Yay! I'm tall!"

'This reminds me of the name incident' everyone thinks in unison, sweatdropping at the memory.

They eventually get out of their trance and continue with what they were doing.

Dabi was twirling around with Izuku on his shoulders.

With a smile as bright as the sun, Izuku announced that he wanted to eat cake and open the presents, to which Kurogiri responded saying that he has to wait a few more hours because of "tradition" but Izuku kept on insisting, eventually Kurogiri gave in and rounded up the other four to sing Izuku happy birthday, then to open presents.


"Look at me Izu~chan!"

"Look over here to daddy Izuku."

"No, look over here, look at the camera Izuku."

"Izuku, look over here please?"

"Can't you just take turns? Izuku is getting really nervous."

They look over to Izuku and see him shaking, looking as if he's going to cry.


They follow with Kurogiri's idea and take turns flashing the camera on his face.

The pictures turned out adorable, to say the least.

Now to open the presents.


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