chapter 10(edited)

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Izuku is now 13 years old and Toga has been grooming (as Shigaraki likes to say) Izuku to be a serial killer. She has been teaching Izuku how to use his quirk but she mostly stays focused on the scythe and the knives, saying that they would be perfect for cutting someone, it wasn't half and making them bleed.

Izuku is quite experienced in using knives thanks to Toga, he also knows self-defense thanks to Dabi, who teaches him because he said that if they disarm him, or his quirk is useless he can at least defend himself.

In the time Toga has been grooming Izuku he picked up some of her traits, such as acting crazy whenever he sees blood and giggling madly. That just adds to the list of why Izuku is a possible psychopath

He hasn't gotten out of his skipping and giggling phase either, which just gives then more proof of why they think that.

But they appreciate that fact, it relieves them of the thought of him turning over to the hero side, which would be horrible, mind you.

Puberty has hit Izuku like a truck, and in a good way at that, a really good way.

He developed a feminine build, one that Toga often compares to her own.

Slim waist, wide hips, thick (thicc-) thighs and a nice and round bottom.

He often gets mistaken as a girl, and his long hair doesn't help with that problem.

It makes him stand out and make eyes turn to him, especially those of disgusting old men. Izuku doesn't like attention, he would rather stay in his corner and sulk about how Uraraka keeps on pestering him to be her boyfriend, thank you very much.

Plus, he doesn't need a sugar daddy.

He has to kick a lot of ass on a daily basis with how much men grope him and his classmates tease him about his body. It makes him mad, and you would not like it when Izuku is mad.

Right now Izuku is preparing himself for another day of hell, classmates looking at him with lustful eyes and scared gazes, and a clingy Uraraka.

Oh god does he hate that place.

He puts on a light blue sweater with the school logo on the top left, a pair of black skinny jeans and black steel-toed combat boots.

Tying his hair into a high ponytail and picking up his backpack he walked down the stairs over to the bar where Kurogiri is cleaning glasses and the other three are lounging on the stools.

"Good morning, Izuku."

"M'ning Giri." He mumbles out, slightly groggy.

"Morning little shit, come here."

Izuku slowly makes his way over to Shigaraki, said man pulls Izuku into a hug and releases him about 10 seconds later.

"Izu~chan I want a hug too!"

Izuku makes his way over to the blond, she pulls him into a tight hug, almost suffocating him if it wasn't for Dabi pulling him away from her grasp. Dabi brought him close and gave him a hug, letting him go quickly.

The greenette hopped on top of a stool and began to eat his breakfast

After eating he walked over to the door and left, but not before yelling out to them.

"Goodbye, you pieces of shit! Not you though Giri, you're alright!"

He ran away, avoiding a fuming Shigaraki.


He was walking on the sidewalk, hips swaying and a slight skip to his step. Izuku hoped this day would be normal, but good luck is never on his side. He can just hope.

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