classes and talks.

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Sky's pov.

ok, so I don't have a clue as to what happened after I left Nosh and Bea alone yesterday, but what I do know is that both of them woke up in a weird mood today.

"guys, I'm going now, I have practice right after class so don't wait for me at lunch" Noah said already closing the door, I didn't teach that birch to just go out like that.

"ok then" Bea said, but I sounded like she was holding some words back, like she wanted to say more things.

"what is it?, I know you want to say something and when you do, please include whats going on between you two" I say directly at her, cause, the frikin' tension between both of them is WILD and I'm nosy so I wanna know what happened.

"is it that noticeable?" she asks, walking up to me.

"bitch. im not gonna lie, but you cans the tension from MILES AWAY, the only ones who wouldn't notice this are Erick and Mary, but they aren't even here sooo..well I THINK THEY wouldn't notice at least" I tell her with a smile, then I continue "so CHOP CHOP and tell me whats going on".

"calm down, what the fuck" she giggles.

"fine. after you left I got really brave and kissed her but then I got really shy and ran out the room , and no we haven't spoken about it, I was hoping to talk to her today but I think she's avoiding me" Bea explains. OHH TEA.

"first of all, my ship is sailing, secondly, I'm pretty sure sin't avoiding you, she's just giving you the space you asked for when you ran away from THAT whole situation"I tell her. my child (aka Noah) wouldn't run would she.

"ugh, im a disaster...I gotta go, see you at lunch ok" There ya go, lets add some humor to this before I get all sad.

"maybe I'll get there a bit late because of the fucking teacher who just loves to pass time by giving extra unnecessary explanations" that teacher is an asshole, trust me.

Erick's pov

here we are at this AMAZING ,math class, notice the sarcasm. I didn't sign up for this, I wanted some cool engineering stuff, like how to build things and the physics aspect of things, but I guess that involves some boring math classes.

I could be in my dorm pretending to read a book while I'm actually staring at him while he does some push ups and a workout in general, but NOOOO I had to be in this class.

the teacher sucks, half of the class is either sleeping or on their phones, math sucks, I'm bored, life sucks!.

can we talk about how Kyle's gorgeous . Like literally guys, I'm not talking just about his physical state. I'm talking about his soul in a whole. he's so sweet, and kind and generous, plus his faces made by a literal god its not possible. And his fucking kiss! its out of this world, I've only kissed him once, but still bro, it was awesome.

am I day dreaming too much , who cares, the class is boring anyways, so why not think about some good stuff.

Mary's pov.

I've been sitting here on this one desk for the past hour and a half and I can safely say I'm going CRAZY.

not to sound so 'relatable' and all that annoying shit but I kinda hate everyone in this class, even my teacher to be honest.

well that was what I thought a few minutes ago. now this guy had walked in and my mind was 100% focused on taking in each future of his face.

his eyes are this hypnotizing shade of dark green and his slightly messy set of dark hair flowed perfectly on his head. wait. why the fuck am I thinking about this?. I already like Lucas, I can't like two people at once.

already too stressed by now, I decide to continue on doing my work sheet and try to distract t myself from everyone around me.


the last half an hour I was waiting for was finally over now, so time to go home, thankfully the cute unknown guy didn't walk up to me today. I wouldn't know what to do, talk or run.

I don't wanna mess up any relationships right now, so I just push it to the side for now.

Noah's pov

look, don't get me wrong, I love anatomy classes but I really want to play Lacrosse and this doesn't end. Every time I look at the clock only one minute passes by, but this all ends in five minutes.

you might ask, But Noah, whats the fun in Lacrosse practice?, and I have an answer, EVERYTHING, specially the shooting part because I can just take all my anger away on that.

After thinking about all that, the bell had finally rang so I made my way to the locker rooms, as expected I throw my things in the locker with the familiar number 15 on it. then I changed into my team's uniform and got to the field.

when I got there the girls from my team were already there warming up and tackling each other to train their defence abilities, so I just took my equipment and started training with some girls that were waiting there. 

Right when I finished the warm ups I got my Lacrosse stick and started doing the dribbles and then shooting the ball to the goal. After the whole team had done the dribbling part, we divided ourselves Into teams and played for the rest of the practice.

soon enough we were done for the day and it was time to go back to the dormitory .

while walking there I had some time to think about the one topic I had been avoiding for the entire day, which as you could have guessed, is the thing with Bea. After that kiss think and her running out the room I just gave her some space to think about everything but we haven't talked about it so things got kinda awkward between us.

when I arrived everyone was already there and right off the bat the room was loud as Sky was blasting music from her favorite bands and artists but when she noticed I had walked in she turned off the music, shot me a wink and left the room dragging a confused Mary to another room.

"okay..first of all, sorry for avoiding the obvious topic in the room and for probably making you feel that I was ignoring you, I promise I wasn't , I just wanted to give you space since you ran away" I explained sitting next to her. well, seems like we're diving right into this huh.

"its not a problem, I'm the one that should be sorry, I shouldn't have ran away, I just got really nervous about your reaction to the VERY unexpected action, plus I was wrong to kiss you without any warning" she said. she was right but I won't complain about the kiss.

"before you ask, I don't know what we are yet, so don't bother asking me, cause I don't know either. But I'm glad we cleared the air so quickly, I was afraid we would have that undeniable tension for the rest of the college semester" I smiled, and she nodded.

"ARE YOU GUYS DONE TALKING YOUR FEELINGS OUT?!" sky yelled from the other room, wow, so subtle. sarcasm went through the roof.

"SURE COME ON IN" i yelled back. seconds later she was skipping back into the room with Mary not far behind.

"Mary. Do you smell that?" Sky asked while sniffing the room.

"I dont think so..."

"Its the smell of released and hopefully friendly tension in the room lady's . Glad all that akwardess is finally over" she laughed trying to lightwn the mood, which seemed to have worked.

and that was about it for that eventful day, for the rest of the night we talked about our day, watched a scary movie and I think we all fell asleep on the couch.

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