Lacrosse and dinner

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Noah's pov

I wake up today with a boost of energy knowing about whats gonna happen later today, my first Lacrosse game in this college, not gonna lie, I'm a littleeee nervous already about it all, I just don't wanna mess up and kill the competitive mood. 

anyways. I didn't see anyone this morning cause I think they we're trying to wake up earlier to volunteer at the field, some people, now including Mary, Sky and Bea, are helping some people out at the sports field for the game as its the first game of the season and almost everyone is going to show up to see what will happen. so that helps my slight nervousness huh.

CHANGING THE FUCKING TOPIC. I walk out the building already dressed in some sports clothes so I head straight to practice after the class and make my way to the only class I have today, organic chemistry, it exists I promise, its just a extra class I decided to take for extra credit for the end of the year so later on i have more probability of getting a good job.

so when I walk in some people are already there, not everybody, but I guess the teacher doesn't seem to care because she's started the class already, she was explaining something on the projector. I sit down in one of the desks on the huge room and take out my laptop so I can take actual notes.

"well class, so the next thing I'm going to explain in this class is hydrocarbon, so open your books at page 538 and lets begin" she starts. this should be interesting..

"hydrocarbon is a organic compound consisting entirely of carbon and hydrogen. hydrocarbons are examples of group 14 of hydrides, hydrocarbons from which one hydrogen atom has been removed are functional groups called hydrocarbyls. because carbon has four electrons in its outermost shell. and carbon has exactly four bonds to make, and all of them have to be there for everything to work with stability " the teacher explained.

kinda makes sense right...yeah no, what kinda trick foolery is this?. I know its something I gotta learn  but ...not right now, nobody's gonna die if I don't exactly know it by heart yet. 

so that was kinda like how every class is, the designated teacher explains a few things, we take notes, the usual.

now that the class is over, its time for the best part of the day, practice, the only time of the day I get to make sure all my moves are perfect for the game. at least I hope they're good enough for today, cause that might be a problem if I don't get them right.

soon enough I met the team at the field and we start practicing our best techniques.

Erick's pov

so it was a while later after all classes had ended and everyone, and by everyone I mean Sky, Bea, Daniel, Lucas, Mary, Kyle and I had gone to the girl's dorm to get ready for the big game.

as expected, us guys are quite calm, but the girls are all kinda freaking out over some minor problems, like Bea's lipstick color. I honestly think the one she's got on is fine, but apparently my opinion isn't valid because 'I can't even match my socks with its pair so I should stop trying to help with "important decisions" ' as said by Sky.

by the way, this is what everyone is doing. I'm just sitting on the couch, I've been ready for twenty minutes.

bea is putting on the shade of lipstick that was finally 'Skyler approved' for tonight, its actually pretty funny to watch her put it on, she makes some faces that I didn't even know were possible for someone to make.

sky is in her natural habitat, on top of the kitchen counter, putting her shoes on while Daniel keeps his stare on her, he wants to be there to prevent Sky from falling off the top, cause we ALL know she could do that.

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