trips and nighmares

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Kyle's pov

after four long and dreadful hours in the car stuck with everyone being annoying we finally find our way to the house Skyler had rented for the next five days.

on the outside it looks very cozy and rustic, the walls are made out of a dark wood and the windows were framed nicely. But we'll see how it is inside in a second.

so I make my way out and around the car to get my things in the trunk before being interrupted by Erick taking his luggage and swinging my backpack over his shoulder, casually walking into the bright house with all my things.

"hey Erick! wait up, you took my things" I say, catching up to him.

"I know, now c'mon" he responded, setting everything in a big fake leather couch in the middle of the living room

"you didn't have to do that..but thanks" I say, looking down to hide my red cheeks.

looking up I noticed he still stood there, probably waiting for everybody to drag their things inside, but he was now smirking at me.

"quit smirking at me! I'm serious!" I chuckle.

"I'm not smirking!"

"well, stop laughing at me" I say.

"I'm not laughing!"

"well quit whatever it is that you're doing" I smile.

"this is me with a cheery disposition, a ray of sunshine in the mist of bleakness. don't put a cloud over my sunshine" he explains.

"its an excuse to laugh at me." I say, picking my backpack up and swinging it over MY shoulder this time.

"RAIN CLOUD." he laughs.

"oh shut up" I mumble as everyone walks in.

Soon enough all the things we had in the car were scattered around the floor and couch, so we figured it was time to discuss sleeping arrangements, seeing as we only have 4 rooms to share between a lot of people.

"ok so, each room has a bathroom, a closet and surprisingly, a hot tub kinda thing. But we only have four rooms. so we'll have to have roommates in each room. I'll stay with Daniel, Mary and Lucas in the second room.." she starts pouting down the hallway.

"and the rooms in the back, Kyle and Erick cause we all know whats going on, you guys aren't slick " she smirks, looking over at us, making my face heat up again.

"lastly Noah and Bea get the other room over there, it has a lot of acoustic isolation, but thats all good, Noah is aggressive anyways" she smiles . making everyone burst out laughing and Noah and Bea to hide their faces in their hands, embarrassed.


But that was it for a while, we just got done unpacking all our things, I have no clue as to what everybody else is doing, but I'm guessing they're probably making some food..I don't know! But Erick and I are sitting on our bed bundled up in a few warm blankets just reading for a bit.

on this first day there really isn't much to do, we already arrived after the ski park's closing time and we don't have much to do at the top of a mountain, so we're just gonna stay here for the rest of the evening.

"psst, Kyle, wanna start up that hot tub over there" Erick asks cheekily, closing his book and walking over to the area.


So, somehow, he convinced me to get in the hot tub too. so that was unexpected as fuck.

but its fine, cause its like, negative 3000 here, and this is warm, obviously.

Erick's pov

the steam rising from the hot water fogs up the windows as we just sit there, silence between the both of us, we don't usually have a good topic to talk about, depends really on whats going on in our day, so we just stayed silent for a few minutes.

trying to find something to talk about, I look over at Kyle, who by now is completely zoned out. his eyes glassy from the fog and his cheeks red from the heat in the hot tub.

"you're adorable, you know that" I mumble.

"huh" he sighs, snapping out of whatever trance he was in.

"oh nothing, I just said you are really adorable" I repeat, smirking knowing he would get all worked up about it. and I was right, just as he processed my sentence, his face got even redder then it already was.

"aw, you're blushing like a rose" I smile, swimming his way.

"no I'm not" he pouts, sinking deeper into the water. " its just the hot water" he continues.

"uhuh, sure"

"its true, your face is red too" he smiles.

sometimes I'm honestly too caught up in life to notice things but wow, how did I not notice that smile, I think I'm having a crush fangirl moment. cause now all I can think about are those bright pink lips and the dimples surrounding it every time he smiles and its fucking amazing.

"you ok Erick, you look zoned out" he giggles.

"yeah I'm ok, physically" I mutter.

"why physically and not mentally, anything I can do to help" he offers, not concerned, thinking something is wrong, walking over to me and placing his hands on my face.

"first of all, its probably not what you think, I'm not like, sad or anything." I start, and he visibly sighs in happiness.

"butttt. i do have something so say about that, dont freakout. but I said mentally cause its seems like you cast a spell on my mind and now you never leave my thoughts, sometimes I get so focused on thinking about every little part of you that I'll forget what I was doing and mix up everything I was going to say. I know you know I like you, but I really really really like you Kyle. and maybe-"

"oh shut up and kiss me" he whines, pulling me into him.

Now THAT, is what I call great, its the kind of kiss in the middle of some argument or speach where the person looked just too cute not to kiss, and their lips feel hot against yours yours and it felt too good to stop.

So we didnt. We made out for a few minutes before we were interrypted by Bea knocking on the door yelling that dinner was ready.

So we took a quick shower and got dressed in our warm pajamas, then went to the living room with everybody.

"Whats up guys, whats for dinner?" I ask as we walk in.

"Nothing much, we just ordered pizza from the place down the streat" Noah responded.

After dinner it was already time to go bed as we are likely to wake up pretty early to go skiing or something like that.

So we turn the light off and cuddle up under the blankets.

Three hours later...
I wake up to movement next to me , but its like 3 am?

Looking over besides me i spot Kyle sweating and mumbling in his sleep, he looks terrified.

"Psst kyle wake up, are you ok?" I ask getting worried.
And in a flash his eyes are open and he...starts crying.

So i scoop him up in my arms and let him rest his head by my neck.
"Oh you're ok love" i say trying to comfort him.

"They are gonna get me! Nonono" he cries. Must have been a really bad nighmare.

"Calm down, i'll never let anyone hurt you, not if i can help it. I may nit be a superhero, but i will always do anything in my power to protect you, you're stuck with me" i whisper.

"Ok" he whispers back, his voice braking.

"C'mon lets go get some water for you" i say, lifting him from the bed and walking to the kitchen and back holding hands.

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