events and laundry.

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Sky's pov

Today the college was a having this really fun event where the fields were filled with food trucks and game stands, I'm guessing everyone is gonna have fun today, plus I get to see Daniel, we are practically dating at this point...I think, yeah basically.

so I get ready and choose to wear some ripped jeans and a shirt I got last week, pairing this with some good old vans. then I meet everyone in the living room.

"sooo Sky. are gonna meet your lover boy?" Bea smirks while putting on a jacket getting ready to leave the house with everyone else.

"his name is Daniel, and yes, we're meeting later by the corn dog stand" I smile.

"OH GOD SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LETS GO" Noah yells barging in the room and leaving straight after that.

"soo..lets go" I say, getting a nod and soon leaving.


"hey giggles" Daniel greets me as I stop where we had decided to meet up.

"Gooooood morning Dani, what do you wanna do. today?" I ask while hugging him tightly.

"what do you think about playing some games around here then going to one of there food trucks around for lunch?" he suggested.

"sounds good, where do you wanna go first?" I ask, looking around at all the options.

he doesn't say anything to my question but takes my hand and leads me towards a little stand that had cans stacked up in random formations and cool prizes hanging by the top of the ceiling.Still quietly he gives the guy on the other side of the table a dollar and receives about three foam balls.

and as expected he starts aiming for the stacks of cans and hits them right in the middle, great aiming skills to be honest. And he even won a cute stuffed animal and AS IF THIS WASN'T CLICHE ENOUGH . HE GAVE IT TO ME .

anyways, we spent the next hour going through every game in the field, it was so cool. We ended up having lunch there as we said before.

Noah's pov.

we were all walking around the crowded field the college had prepped up when I got a call from Skyler..oh gosh what now?, the guy she was with before just left and she went to check something out inside the building.

"whats up shortie, how's your checking going?, you seem to be taking a while doing whatever you are doing" I say.

"senddd heelllpp, i was cleaning up a bit since Dani had left and I had nothing to do right?, then I decided to return the clothes we had taken to the washing machine yesterday to the dorm again, and as I was taking everything upstairs again everything fell, so I had to pick things up AGAIN and I noticed that when everything fell I accidentally threw a shirt up and I landed on the ceiling fan AND I CANT GET IT DOWN" she explained dramatically, really describes her shitty situations.

"and let me guess, you want me to go bring it down for you?" 

"yeah" she whines.

so there you have my next task, I was getting quite bored so that helped.

I went into the building, down the hallway and down the stairs, but before I reached the actual bottom of the staircase I see Skyler sitting down on the floor covered in clothes.

"ok, where is it?" I ask.

she points up without saying a word and I see what she was talking about, a shirt danggling from the fan. so I simply reach out for it and give it to her, helping her get up in the process.

"its not fair that it was so easy for you" she whines again.

"its not me, you're just really short, now lets go" I laugh, putting everything back into the basket and going back up the stairs and into the dorm.

we get there and drop everything off at every closet and drop on the sofas.

"where were you guys! we were looking for you for like..ten minutes" Erick said barging into our now clean dormitory.

"we had a little mess, but we're fine now" I explained briefly.

we get a slow nod back and we all sit down. soon enough B joins and we all have a nice evening  full of board games and weird talks.

"'GOOD NIGHT YOU FILTHY HOES!" i yell at the top of my lungs after everyone had layed down for bed.

"shut up Noah" Bea mutters while falling asleep.

and there was THAT day. pretty boring I would say, nothing really happened other then the games and laundry accident, maybe tomorrow will be better.

but that was all I had to say about that, goodnight HUMANS.

Oop short chapt. Sorry, IM NOT IN THE FUCKING MOOD. Jk i'm just lazy af rn.

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