moving in and deep talks

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Skyler's pov

I wake up from knocking noises coming from outside the dorm and get up to see who or what was there.

"What the fu- oh, hi ms. Cooper, whats up?" I say at the unexpected sight of the friendly front desk secretary.

"Good morning sweety, sorry to bug ya so early, but i have some inportant stuff to tell you" she responds.

I nod signaling i was all ears so she could start talking.

"Okay, so, there is a student that transfered over just three days ago after all the dorm arrangements so she needs a new dorm. And your dormitory has a extra bunk, so i was thinking maybe she could move in with you three?..." she explained waiting for my answer.

"Sure, but just know that if she snores, im not hesitant with hitting her in the head with my rainbow spatula" i tell her seriously.

"Okay then...her first name is Bea and she will be coming over in an hour" she says, leaving the hallway and walking back to her desk.

So that was the end of that unecessary talk.

"Why the fuck are you up at.. six am? You never wake up so early" Noah asks walking in from the bedroom.

"The secretary came, we have a new roomate coming in an hour, so be ready" i told her.

"Unexpected but im fine with it. Whats her name?"

"Bea, she's new, if i heard correctly she came here three days ago" i explained.

"BEA?! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK" she repeated loudly pacing back and fourth around the room.

"You seem to have that reaction a lot, are you ok?" I ask her trying to calm her down.

"NO IM NOT OK. BEA IS THE BEA. THE DANCE GIRL-HALL WAY BUMPING-ATTRACTIVE BEA" she rambles and i finally catch on to her freak out.

"Calm your ass down. Its not the end of the world" i said while choosing a cozy outfit for the cold day.

"But i-" Noah gets cut off by a dead looking Mary walking in and saying " i heard the convo and im here to say. You shut the fuck up or you have to maybe pretend to not give a shit until i leave AT LEAST"

"I dont give a shit" Noah repeats trying to convince herself.

"You give so many shits they're visible from space, stop lying to yourself and move on" i added probably not helping at all.

"You are not helping the situation" Mary sighed. See i was right.

"Oh and by the way, someone has to stay to welcome her in and its not gonna be me. I have to catch the bus in a few minutes" i told them putting my shoes on.

"Im not going either, Noah, she's your crush, you stay" Mary giggled knowing Noah was having a mental breakdown at this point.

"Fuuuck. Ok i can stay, i dont have anything very inportant today anyways" she explains sitting back down on the one spot she claimed as hers.

" okie dokie byee" i dragged, leaving the front door.

Noah's pov.

Both Mary and Sky had already left for class and there i was, waiting unpatiently for the arrival of the one and only Bea.

And i just had to jinx it cause just as i thought about that the doorbell rang.
So i walked over to the door opening it to find Bea standing there carrying two big suitcases probably full of her stuff.

"Hey Noah. I think you heard the news by now huh?" She smiled.

"Yeah, come in" i offered, moving out of the way to she could walk in with everything.

"Where are the other girls who live here?" She asks me after setting her things down by the bunkbed she was gonna be sleeping on.

"They had classes so they couldnt be here right now" i explained sitting down next to her.
This is going way better then i thought it was gonna go before to be honest.

"Oh thats a bummer, what are your guy's majors?"

"Im in Biology and Medicine, Mary is in Business and Skyler is doing Art and Digital Design" i answered.

"Okay, soulds cool, can i ask you some questions?"

"Yup" u told her, trying not to stare at her beautiful brown eyes.

"One phrase to describe what goes on in your friend group" she says.

" maybee...oh i know. Come for the accent, stay for the existential crisis. everyone is fun and REALLY weird in their own way" i respond thonking about all the crap ive experienced with the goof balls that are my best friends.

"Describe yourself" she simply says.

"Im just a humble trash can trying to roll myway through life" i chuckle.
"Now describe yourself, its only fair..." i tell her, tilting my head to the side.

"I'm the living embodiment of 'it could be worse'" she laughs. Well thats bullshit. She said that as if she wasnt already a gorgeous  and amazing person.
My life's turning into some mediocre rom-com and i need to make it stop.

"Ok, anything else?" I ask her feeling ready to end this conversation before i say something i regret.

"Just one more question, are you gonna be at the Lacross game next week?"

"Yes, i play in the team" i said in a duh tone.

"Really? I didnt expect that but kinda did at the same time, haha, by the way, i love your tattoos" she giggled.
Oh god her laugh is gonna be the death of me.

Plus she likes my tattoos?! This is a complete win win situation.
My tattoos are very meaningfull and well made in my opinion.

I have one of two roses on my arm, with the symbolizing passion, love, beauty, and strength.
Then i have a super cool tribal tattoo of a indigenous girl on my other arm symbolizing love, peace, happiness, family, friendship, or just about anything you believe in.
And lastly i have a all black solar system tattoo flowing down my spine, which she couldnt see obviously. But symbolizing that i just love to think about whats beyond what we've discovered.

We spent the rest of the day and evening taking about everything imaginable..

Meanwhile, in Erick's dorm....

Erick's pov.

I had finished all my school work yesterday at the libarary so i didnt have anything to do at night but it all payed off cause ive been talking to Kyle, my kinda hot roomate not gonna lie here.

Deep conversations with the right people are priceless.

We have somehow stumbled across the topic of sexualities and our lgbt+ friends.
I know im obviously getting a slight crush? Maybe.. on Kyle by now.

So if ya havent figured out yet, im bi, but nobody knows that. Not even my best friends, but that all changes once he blurts out one really really wanted sentence.

"You know that im gayer then the actual word gay right?"

"Oh...i'm bisexual" i whispered feeling a bit scared to finally be saying that out loud.

"Hey...i can tell you havent come out to many people yet, but just know that i obviously respect you for it and i promise i wont tell a soul" he softly smiles.

"Yeah, thanks thats really nice of you. Uhm, i-im gonna go to bed" i decide nervously taking my chance to run away from the chat.

"Okay, good night Bloom" he said getting a nod back from me.

And that right there ladies and gents, was the most stressfull moment of my life.

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