jelousy and punches

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Sky's pov

Well, its been quite the 'way too normal day' if i do say so myself.
Nothing crazy has happened yet, so thats good.

Anyways, im in the middle of a digital design class with Daniel but as expected im completely zoning out.
Ive been thinking a lot about Noah these past hours.

She's been just really quiet for a day or two, its really unlike her, but i guess its fine...

Soon enough im pulled out of my day dreams by the college bell warning everyone that the classes were over for the day.

So quickly Dani and i walk out the room and into the crowded halls hand in hand.

The halls are loud at this time of day, all of the dozens of students rushing from every door visible towards their lockers or the front entrence.
But not today. Surprisingly there was a girl just standing there and not going anywhere at all.

The girl wasnt very subtle so i could clearly see her eyes drift from a few random students and land on one person in perticular.

And guess who bitch.
Daniel fucking Harris.

The bitch was straight up just standing there staring at MY boyfriend? I think the fuck not.

Im thinking that his hands having a tight grip on mine didnt get through her head so i decided to give her a little lesson. Just a little one.

So while she was still completely distracted at the sight of a certain blue eyed boy i walk up to her.

"Hi. I just noticed you were staring at my boyfriend, so i was just coming here to POLITELY ask you to stop" i blurt out. Getting her attention.

"Oh, he's your boyfriend? Haha, nice joke, anyways, what if i dont stop staring what would you do about it?" She threatened.

Ugh. Bitch.

"First of all. Yup, mine, get your head out of your ass, second of all, i dont think you would want me to call over my friend Noah over there now would you?" I say pointing at NF who had just walked out of a room.

"She could beat your ass in two seconds" i add.

"Sure, sure, i'll be leaving so dont get too pissed off, wouldn't want you to embarress yourself in public huh. Bye bitch" the girl chuckled before waving and walking away while moving her hips way too much. As i said. Bitch.

That was ....something.

I then walk over to Dani again who was now standing there with a wide smirk on his face.

"Whhhattt" i whine curiously.

"You got jelous huh, that was fun to watch" he smiled. Great now he's making fun of me.

"No i didnt, it was a defence mechanism to protect you from the college sluts" i try convincing only to get a laugh back.

"Uhuh, you're cute, c'mon lets go before you turn into a dragon and attack any girl who looks our direction " he joked, pulling me along the halls.

moving on. I was actually pretty surprised that Noah didn't do anything back there, definitely weird. but I'll just stay quiet about it, I'm sure its just her mood today.


Bea's pov

the day had been very stressful and full of different quizzes I had to take, so when I got home I just went straight to bed. but now its about midnight, almost one a.m and I woke up with a weird feeling something was off, so I initially just brushed it off and went to get some water.

after getting my cold glass of water the feeling didn't go away as I thought it would, so I decided to check up on make sure they're fine ya know.

so I put my now empty glass in the sink and quietly walked over to Sky's bunk, nothing changed, she's just laying there sleeping. next I went up to Mary's bed, and again, didn't see anything out of the ordinary, so lastly I made my way to Noah's bunk.

and as expected, she wasn't there. I knew something wasn't right.

so after noticing that I wake everyone up, including Erick, Daniel, and Lucas and we made plans to meet up In the building's lobby.

and soon enough all of us were discussing and guessing different places Noah would be at this time, by the way, why did she even leave the dorm at this time, we all have classes and she's really dedicated with her timing everyday since the motorcycle incident on the few first days of class.

"did you guys check the gym?, Noah goes there to de-stress most of the time, plus its a twenty four hour gym, so it would be open now" Mary suggested. 

I can't tell you how no one thought of the gym from the beginning but regardless we went allll the way to the campus gym, and guess what, there she was, as expected.

but something completely unlike her was happening, which I can't lie, made me really nervous. she was punching the boxing bags with all her strength but crying at the same time. and I haven't known Noah for too long but I can assure you that she doesn't cry very often.

"guys wait here, imma go talk to her" Erick volunteers while walking up behind Noah.

and as soon as he gets there and gently pokes her shoulder her reflexes overflow and she quickly  turns and punches Erick in the face. things are escalating rapidly wow.

after she turns around we get a good look at her face to see that she was practically sobbing, her eyes, nose and cheeks were red from all the tears and she was clearly having a hard time breathing from all the crying and punching.

but my mind instantly goes to her hands that were even redder then her face as she was furiously taking her stress away with no boxing gloves.

by now I'M almost tearing up so we decide to come closer to her but she instantly steps away and tells us to stay away , but you're dumb if you think that stoped me, so I tried to go up to her, but I simply couldn't.

No one's pov

the whole group was trying to calm her down and steady her breathing, Noah had already given up on the whole 'stay away' idea and let everyone come up to her.

she wasn't usually like this, but something had gotten to her and completely messed with her head. 

everyone except Bea was around her, she just couldn't move, her heart ached every time a sob came form NF, and even if she tried to come closer, it was just all too much for her.


they end up not being able to calm Noah down too much, just enough to kinda get her to breath slower, for her own health you know. and they just give her space and go back to their dorms, knowing that she would want to be alone right now.

you would think all her worried friends would be clueless as to why she was like that. well, they were, not everyone though, Sky had a idea as to what was happening, so when they got to the girl's dorms she decided to tell them what she was thinking.

"uhhh, guys, I think I might know why Noah's like that" Sky said quietly. she noticed all heads were turned her way and signaling for her to continue, so she did.

"I think some comments on the picture we took the other day  just got to her, she has had a really tough past with some of people's opinions on her life and specially sexuality, you could say she wasn't accepted right away after she came out to her parents and some friends, so its easy for her to get mad or sad about these things, its just her soft spot on the topic" she explained, getting understanding nods from everyone except B.

"what picture did you guys post?" Bea questioned, confused as to which exact photograph they were talking about.

"oh, a few days ago, we took a picture you you two together and I guess there were some mean comments on that" Mary told her.

Bea just had leaned about the existing picture, but didn't question anything due to the situation they were in.

they had come to the conclusion that the comments had been the start of all that, so they left the topic alone for a few minutes and went back to bed. it WAS almost two thirty a.m after all.

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