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this chapter is a crossover with two of my books, "friends" and "a murder of crows" so pls check them out!

skyler's pov

Today I woke up still feeling really crappy, but I can't miss another day of class, I actually wanna graduate college. 

So I get ready, throwing on a pair of worn-out ripped jeans, a random shirt and a white hoodie with some red writing on it. Nothing crazy, I feel too much like shit to give a fuck right now, but its time for class. 

You would expect me to feel better then yesterday due to all the medication Noah made me drink, but NOOO of course I feel ten times worse, so right now its been almost twenty minutes since my two-hour class started and I feel really lightheaded.

don't get me wrong, I already felt like this yesterday, but this time its like if I were to stand up my knees would give out. But I could try you know, I need to go to the bathroom either way.

Carefully I stand up and walk to the door, nobody cares cause its a HUGE room and I doubt they even noticed me standing up, besides the people close to me.

and as I step out into the hallway, everything goes black.


"so do you know when she might wake up" 

"could be in a few minutes, or an hour, we never know with these things, it depends on how much her body needs the fluids she's receiving through the I.V" I head an unfamiliar voice explain.

I'm guessing I passed out in the hallway. Its pretty obvious.

But at least the first voice I heard was a familiar one, Daniel.

Out of a sudden my eyes flutter open, but quickly close again trying to block the bright lights around me. I try sitting up and a hand goes to my back, helping me.

Opening my eyes I see a smiling Noah.

"hey Sky, glad to see you up finally, you've been out for three hours, ever since Bea found you on the floor by your class room. what happened" Noah asks.

"oh wow, ok. i was just feeling sick still, but worse then yesterday. But I kinda shrugged it off and kept going with my day, when I got to class I felt reeeeaally light headed so I decided to go to the bathroom but ended up passing out on the way" I explained just as the door swung open.

"SKY you're up! I thought you were gonna die!" dani yelled running our way.

"I told you she was fine dumbass, the doctor said she was just dehydrated and her cold added on that got her immune system overwhelmed and she passed out. not that she was going to die" Noah sighed.

"ok sure, BUT I'M SO HAPPY, I could cry from the joy I feel" he smiled, sitting besides me.

"stop being dramatic, she just passed out, not so much of a big deal! who HASN'T ever passed out?" Bea exclaimed, walking up to us from the other side of the room. I hadn't even noticed her.

"ME" Daniel responded.

"SHUT UP GUYS" I interrupt. getting everyone to get quiet. "I'm fine!"


after all that we stayed in there and talked. But Noah was on her phone probably reading something.

"guys I'll be right back, I have to make a call" Noah says, walking out of the room.

Noah's pov

I've been reading this new article one of my class mates shared on our chat and its really freaking me out.

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