cake and diners

15 0 0

Sky's pov

today wasn't a very nice day to wake up to, I definitely have a hangover, I don't even remember half of what happened at that party, but I guess I'll just get some Advil and I'll be good to go, hopefully.

"oh you're awake, great, take this, should help with your headache"  Noah says handing me a pill and a glass of water.

"how are you feeling?" she adds on.

"I don't have feelings, I take them to an abyss deep within my soul and throw them off a cliff" I answer, sitting up from my uncomfortable position.

"that was oddly specific" 

"what are we gonna do today then?" I ask.

"I don't know about you but I have a class in a few minutes, so do what you wanna do for a while" she tells me.

i have the perfect idea, I will get someone to go with me to the store and get some ingredients so I can bake a cake!

"im gonna go bake a cake" I say while getting up and dressed for the day.

"you're going to blow up the dorm, someone is gonna die, its gonna end is burning and shit"  she says casually.

"why are so mean?, I'm not gonna burn down the building!"

"i dunno, I think its just my factory setting".


its been a while, and right now I'm at the store with Erick cause he has nothing to do after he already had his class for the day.

"so what are we looking for now?" he asks while carrying a basket for all the ingredients.

"chocolate bars"

"ok follow me, I know where they are" he says.

this little store is weirdly empty but its good enough, it has what we need, so its fine. we'll be done in here in a minute anyways.

suddenly Erick drops a few chocolate bars on the floor after getting some in the already heavy basket.

"how the mighty have fallen!" I yell.

" its a dropped chocolate bar, stop being so dramatic" he sighs, picking up what he dropped.

"fuck you, lets go"


"behold, from chaos, order. from ugliness, beauty. from basic ingredients and an oven. cake" I present to everyone around me, handing out slices of the cake I made.

everyone was done for the day, so I called everyone over to test out this new recipe I made up.

"why isn't this horrible?" Noah gasps.


Noah's pov

"i dont even like chocolate why am I eating this?" Lucas asks himself.

i was going to say this was going well until Sky started throwing coins she had stored in her pockets at Lucas, creative attack mechanism If I do say so myself.

"throwing money at you problems doesn't help" Bea laughs.

"wrong. coins are actually great projectile weapons" Skyler responds.

"ok then...what do we do now?, it seems like we never have things to do after our classes" I ask, sitting down on the chair by the counter.


"HEY. NO" Erick defends himself.

"i dont think thats the best option for now, so what about we just go down to the diner for a few minutes until they close?, which is in an hour, so lets go" Bea suggests happily.

thats what we did then, we all got our jackets on and headed to our destination.

once we got there, it was actually really full for that hour of the afternoon, surprising. anyways, we all sat down in a cute little booth and talked for a while.

a few minutes later a guy comes up to take our orders.  "good evening guys, what can I get you?"

as this guy got our orders I guess Daniel thought he was straight up looking at Sky cause he just pushed her into him more then she already was, kinda impossible to get any closer but its cute, we love a protective boyfriend. I remember that a few weeks back it was the other way around so this is fun to see.

by the time the weitor left he had let go of her a bit and probably didn't even notice we were all looking at the funny things happening in front of us, but shortie surely did, she couldn't be any redder. 

when he saw us I could tell he was playing it off as nothing happened but thats ok.

long story short our food came and all and we just talked about our exams coming up and weird things. the usual I would say.

i was in a great mood until everyone decided to steal my fries. what the fuck is wrong with ANYONE who does that?!.

"are you guys normally this much of pain or do you try?" I say, trying to stay calm.

"you should know by now, we've been your friends since we were all like, ten." Erick tells me, still stuffing my fucking food in his mouth.

"stooppp eating my foooood" I whine.

"im done anyways" Bea smiles. but Erick doesn't stop. bitch.

"Erick, just stop. I only have a certain level of sanity and you're NOT helping me keep it" 

that did the trick because im sure we thought about the consequences of making me mad. we were just about to leave so it was fine but I just like freaking people out.

Lucas's pov

after our dinner the girls went back to their dorms and me and the guys went to ours.

it wasn't a very productive day but I've been told everyone has long classes tomorrow so maybe that will make up for it. 

"goodnight guys".


"good night assholes"

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