sick and cuteness

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Noah's pov
Today was just a normal day full of classes as usual. Nothing crazy happened except for the fact that Sky woke up feeling like shit.

I think someone in her class passed some kind of flu to her. So she's not feeling her best right now.

" feeling any better?" I ask quietly as i walk into the dorm after my class.

"If better means i have a pounding headeache and cant move because im so tired and sick. Then yes. Im great" she smirked back.
Sick but still an ass.

"Oh ok, do you wanna get an appointment for a checkup or are you fine?" I ask.

"Im fine, can you call Danielll?" She whines, pouting, trying her best to convince me.

"Sure, i'll give him a call. Then im going to dig through my medical kit and find something for you to take" i explain, seeing her curled up on the sofa.

"Thanks, you're my main bitch"

Hey Daniel, are you busy right now?
No, not really, whats up?
Its just that Sky is really sick and clingy and she wanted me to call you .
Ohh ok, i'll be there in 5, see ya
End call

Daniel sounded a bit stressed but thats all part of it. An overprotective boyfriend is good sometimes.

"Did you call him??" Shortie asked AGAIN.

"Yeah now shut up."


And only a few minutes later Dani was barging into the room and going down next to Sky.

Daniel's pov
"How are you doing, love, do you need anything? How can i help? Are you ok?" I ask.
My face gaining a red tint after i noticed how desperate that sounded.

"I feel like shit Dani" she whined, digging her face into my chest.

"Its ok, you'll be all good soon, i'll take care of you, i promise" i whispered into her ear while running my hand thtough the mess that is her hair right now.

She sends me a light smile and we continue talking for about two minutes before being interrupted by Noah.
"Hey Sky, i got you some medicine, hopefully this gets you headache to calm down"

"Thanks" Skyler mumbled after swollowing the spoon full of the transparent red luquid.

Ten minutes later i leave for the bathroom and when i get back Sky is laying on the floor staring into the ceiling.

"This is the third time i've had to put you back on the couch. Why the heck do you wanna lie on the floor so bad?" I say while flopping my sick girlfriend onto the sofa again.

" i've spent so much time on this sofa today that its not comfy anymore " she sighs, sitting up straight and sliding closer to me.

"Ok then. Lets get you comfy, put your arm around m- or just fall on me, that works too" i smile after she fell onto me, too sick to care.

Bea's pov
Coming home after a really long day is usually very relaxing.

But not when you come home and the first thing you see is your roomate sleeping on top of her boyfriend with tissues on the table and some medicine bottle on the counter.

"Hey Daniel, is she ok?" I ask quietly, careful not to wake Sky up.
"Yeah, for the most part, she's just really sick, she might have the flu" he whispered back, while drawing little circles on her back.

"Oh, hope she gets better then, but im guessing you kinda like all this, she gets really needy when she's sick, according to Mary"

"Well dont get me wrong, i hate that she doesnt feel good. But i like taking care of her" he smiles.

"You guys are fucking cute ugh"

"Hehe thanks, but at least she is getting some sleep, she's been awake for the whole day" he shrugged, kissing the top of Skyler's head.

"See! You're being cute again!" I laugh quietly. Getting Dani to blush about the whole situation.

"Goodnight. Take good care of her kid. Or i wont hesitate to rip you head off" i smirk.

"We're ok. Dont worry. Good night"

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