Chapter two

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'The less you reveal, the more people wonder'


"Your dad and I organised a 18th birthday party for you and it's going to be tomorrow night!" Aphria squealed.
"You guys know I don't like parties" Mayla said "Why would you-"
"You need to relax, you've been stressing too much about your studies" Mayla's father interrupted "You can chose the theme and we'll send it out to the people who are coming"
"Wait, who's coming?" Mayla asked "My only close friend is Aph"
"Well...I invited people in our year as well as your father inviting family..." Aphria said nervously.
Mayla narrowed her eyes.
"How many people did you invite?" Mayla demanded.
"Aph?" Mayla asked.
"Around 100..." Aphria whispered.
"WHAT?!" Mayla yelled.
"That does include family" Mayla's father added "Like your cousins, your grandparents from my side, great grandmother from your mum's-"
"Wait, she's coming?" Mayla asked,surprised that her 100 year old great grandma would go to an event.
"Yeah, you know she owes you because you're so much like you're mother" the father said and then looked down.
Aphria coughed.
" 75 of those people are people from school" Aphria said, "You're more popular than you realise sweetie"
"Clarify who?" Mayla asked.
"Like the skater guys, music group, techs, the popular group, sporty group....literary majority of the people in our tear level" Aphria stated.
Mayla was shocked.
She thought she was a no body at the school.
She thought people were always whispering behind her back.
But...they all care about her.
"That's why Jessica was smirking at me today and Ein was extra flirty..." Mayla said .
"Soooooo...what's the theme?" Aphria asked, getting her phone out "We need to tell people ASAP"
Mayla looked at her with a 'Are you serious?' Look.
"Aph, you know me" Mayla said.
"Halloween themed" they said together, making them laugh.
"Already ahead of you; I told them a month ago" Aphria said,putting her phone away "So you're dad's dropping us off at the shopping mall and while he's on a date, we're looking for a costume"
Mayla's dad checks had a red tinge to them.
"It's a date, its a work meeting with a female co-worker" Mayla's father said quickly.
Both Mayla and Aphria rolled their eyes.
They both know he's lying.
But they shook it off.
"Come on, let's go shopping" Mayla's dad said in a fake girly voice, making all three of them burst into laughter "Come on, I mean it girls or I will be late"
Mayla's dad walked into the car and Mayla and Aphria followed him.

Mayla and Aphria sat in the back seat quietly as Mayla's dad turned on the car.
He quickly checked his surroundings and drove out from the drop off zone.
"So..what are you guys thinking?" Mayla's dad asked.
"Well I'm making mine at home...and it looks amazing" Aphria said "I've been working on it for the past month"
Mayla looked at her friend.
"Wait...was that when you added that lock to your cupboard?" Mayla asked.
Aphria nodded.
"I didn't want you finding out" Aphria said.
"So what are you going as?" Mayla asked.
"It's a surprise" Aphria said, smirking.
"AWWWW, come on...please?' Mayla asked.
"With a cherry on top?"
"With blueberries on top?"
"I love my blueberries but no"
"Okay girls, that's enough" Mayla's dad said "Mayla,what are you thinking?"
"I'm not doing a bright thing like a mermaid or fairy...something spooky" Mayla replied.
"That's all okay with me" Mayla's dad said, turning into a car park.
"We're here already? Wow, that was quick" Aphria commented as Mayla's dad found a car park.
He pulled into the car and turned off the car and then turned to the girls
"Now, I know you're responsible and I understand that you'll be fine" Mayla's dad said "But you'll be turning 18 tomorrow and you have never had alcohol before...Aphria is older than you so I'm trusting both of you if I buy drinks but no drugs, if there's drugs at my house the party is over, am I clear?"
"Crystal" both girls said.
He smiled.
"Now have fun while I have a work meet-"
"Date" Mayla interrupted as she got out of the car.
"It is not a-"
"Love you dad!" Mayla said and shut the door, making Aphria who was already waiting for her giggle.
"Come on, let's go" Aphria said as both of them walked towards of the entrances to the mall.


"Isn't this exciting?" Aphria asked.
Mayla shrugged.
She didn't know what to feel about this.
"Oh come on! I know you're worried about exams but you need to chill; it's your 18th tomorrow!" Aphria said encouragingly.
"Don't remind me" Mayla muttered as they walked into a costume shop called 'Costume Land'.
Racks filled up the massive shop which was filled with people rushing around.
The rows are matched to categories.
Men, Female, Teen, Kids, Wigs and accessories.
"Okay, the costumes are expensive here but it's for your 18th for crying out loud so you An chose what you want" Aphria said.
Mayla looked at her with wide eyes.
"The average cost of these costumes are $100! I can't pay for that much and I certainly not letting you pay for that much" Mayla demanded, stopped walking and crossed her arms.
"Oh I'm paying for you" Aphria stated "And you can't avoid that...just chose what you want no matter the price okay?"
Mayla groaned in defeat.
She knows she will lose the argument against Aphria.
"Fine...where should I start?" Mayla asked.
Aphria smiled faintly.
"Okay" Aphria said " said spooky right?"
Mayla nodded.
Aphria lead Mayla to the teen section, where costumes and people were everywhere.
It is the day before Halloween of course.
Everyone's doing their last minute shopping.
"So...skeleton?" Aphria asked.
Mayla shrugged.
"I really don't know" Mayla replied "That would be cool, only if it was one of those cute fluffy onesies"
Aphria rolled her eyes as she stopped next next to the end of the row on the other side of the shop.
"Of course" Aphria said, bending down to look at the bottom racks "You've wanted that forever"
"That is true but I've seen some before and they're cute" Mayla commented as Aphria pulled out a costume.
"What about this one?" Aphria asked, holding up a female Jason Voorhees costume from 'Friday the 13th'.
The costume included a red and black long dress-like top and a mask.
"The sword is separate and we can buy some combat heals and make you look sexy in this" Aphria said "And I know you love the 'Friday the 13th' movies"
"I really like it, it's an option" Mayla said.
Mayla grabbed a basket which was at the end of the row and Aphria put it in the basket.
"What about...this one?" Mayla asked, pulling one out from her standing position.
It was a voodoo princess costume which included a short, red and black dress which has gold frays coming from the skirt, a tooth chocker and a gold crown with a skull on the middle.
"Maybe...put it in" Aphria said and put it in the basket.
They walked down the row and Aphria stopped and her smiled broadened.
"What about this one?" Aphria asked, grabbing it.
It is a white Victorian wedding like dress with has a layers. It comes with a long white vale, the dress, and grey flowers.
"I would love to but my skin would not agree with that" Mayla said, putting it back.
Aphria sighed and looked at the basket.
"You really like the Jason one...don't you?" Aphria asked.
"Yeah, but I also like the Voodoo Princess" Mayla said.
Aphria looked at her.
"Honey, I can tell you love the Jason're wearing it, and you won't regret it" Aphria said.
Mayla sighed.
She absolutely loved the outfit but her father won't agree.
The movies bring back memories of watching them with her mother.
Which her father is finally getting over.
"But...the movies" Mayla whispered, looking down "We used it with my mum"
Aphria looked at her friend sadly.
"Hey, it will let the memories live on...don't worry about your dad" Aphria said and took out the costume from the basket "Here, let's go...we can grab other things to make your costume amazing"
Mayla smiled and followed her friend.
At lest her birthday this year will be fun.

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