Chapter eighteen

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'Follow your passion. The rest will attend to itself. If I can do it, anybody can do it. It's possible. And it's your turn. So go for it. It's never too late to become what you always wanted to be in the first place.'
-J. Michael Straczynski


Mayla, Lucas and Eirela walked out of the train station portal, everyone around them gasping at what they saw.
They all bowed.
"My princess! You're b-back!" Someone stammered.
Eirela nodded.
"I am thankful for these two young reflectronians for saving me" Eirela stated "I would love to stay and chat however, I think my father needs a visit"
The people bowed again and then went along with their daily routines, whispering about what happened.
"Do we go to his castle or-"
"Yes we do, young man" Eirela stated, "Come off we-"
"Eirela" Mayla whispered, who was hiding behind the princess the whole time.
"Yes? Oh" the princess asked as she turned around.
She blocked Lucas' view of Mayla.
Mayla's eyes weren't her normal silver in this realm.
But the blood red everyone fears in this realm.
"Mayla?" Lucas asked, trying to see Mayla.
"Close your eyes young one" the princess said, Mayla doing as she instructed "I will do some magic when I see my father"
Mayla nodded.
"Young man, please help Mayla get around" the princess said "Mayla's Finela is messing with her eye sight and we need to get it fixed soon"
"Why cant you do it now?" Lucas asked, holding Mayla's pale arm.
"Even though I remember my home town, I have been in a old form for a while so my memories have faded of the simple magic spells, which will come back to me after a while" Eirela said "It will be back by the time we get to the castle if we walk slowly"
Both Mayla and Lucas nodded.
"Let's go" Mayla said.
With Lucas helping Mayla, Lucas, Eirela and Mayla walked out of the train station and on their way to the castle.


Alicia knocked on the high, stone gates that surrounded the massive castle.
" name is Alicia and I have some news regarding the dark being" Alicia asked.
The gates opened slowly to reveal two heavily armoured guards.
"You better not be lying or your head will be on a stick by sunrise" one of the guards snapped.
Alicia held her breath.
She really hopes the king will listen to her.
She walked through the long hallways, which were surrounded in purple gold lined tapestries which was hung around the roof.
The stone-marble floor had a purple golden lined carpet, leading to the throne room.

Alicia gasped when she entered the room.
Massive braziers half enclosing each of the eight stone columns light up most of the throne hall and their light wraps the hall in a colourful radiance in the faded realm. The artistic depictions of ancient legends of the people of this realm on the slanted ceiling dance in the flickering light while carved images and marble icons look down upon the marble floor of this majestic hall.
A purple rug runs down from the throne and marks the closest spot people can stand when they address the royal highness while purple drapes with gilded tracery dangle gently from the walls. Between each drape , many of them have been lit and in turn illuminate the wall paintings of war heroes below them; from the first king King Adam to the rising hero of Sophia, who died of a dangerous and sicking recently. Thick, tinted glass windows are shrouded by veils colored the same purple as the drape.
A magnificent throne of opal sits beneath an impressively decorated and is adjoined by 2 similar, but less ornate seats for the royal highness' direct family and assassins if they can make it.
The throne is covered in complicated etchings and fixed on the backside is a gemmed star. The fluffy pillows are a light purple and these too have been adorned with embellished edges.
Alicia noticed the king sitting in the largest throne, glaring at Alicia with a calculated glaze.
"Alicia Scott, what are you here to tell me?" The king asked as Alicia got to the foot of the throne, making Alicia bow.
"My king-"
"I told you not to call me that dear Alicia" the king said "Call me sire, you know how I am about formalities"
Alicia nodded.
"Sire, have you heard the recent news about the Dark one being-"
"Do not speak of its name in this castle!" The king hissed, making Alicia and the many guards surrounding the outline of the room, jump.
The king coughed.
"Sorry" the king said "Yes, I have heard they have....escaped, that is why I moved back into my castle where it is safer"
Alicia nodded.
"I have some news regarding...the dar...I mean, them" Alicia said.
The king sat straighter in his throne.
"Continue" the king stated, lending towards Alicia.
"...I know who they are targeting" Alicia said.
"Really?" The king asked "It is not a member of the royal family?"
Alicia looked confused.
"Sorry?" She asked.
The king shook his head.
"Continue" the king stated.
"They are after my daughter, Mayla" Alicia said, making the king widen his eyes.
"Very strange indeed, what would they want out of...unless" the king muttered.

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