Chapter thirteen

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'Missing someone is your heart's way of reminding you that you love them'


Mayla groaned as she woke up in a unfamiliar environment.
"What?" Mayla asked as she noticed she was in a white room.
She immediately thought Reflectron but then she realised medical equipment.
She must be in the hospital.
She's never been in the hospital before.
"You're awake, good" the nurse said, walking towards Mayla with a clipboard.
Mayla tried to sit up but an overwhelming pain went down her body.
"Relax and lie down, you're even lucky you're awake young lady, you had a nasty knock to her head" The nurse said.
Mayla sighed as the nurses helped her down.
"Do you remember that happened?" The nurse asked.
Mayla thought about it.
The reflection in the public toilet.
"No, I don't, everything's blurry" Mayla lied.
"Oh deary, it's okay...I'll ring your parents" the nurse said, started to walk out.
"Only my dad" Mayla said "My mum is..."
The nurse looked sad.
"Oh, I'm sorry I brought it up" the nurse said, "I will be back with food okay?"
She walked out, making Mayla think about all of these questions.

"How long have I been here?" Mayla asked to herself, looking out the window.
"Only for the night"
Mayla noticed Alicia's reflection in the window.
"What happened to me?" Mayla asked.
Alicia shook her head.
"Apparently a dark being escaped from the King's dungeon and is after you" Alicia replied.
"Why?" Mayla asked.
"We think it's because you are a human who went into our realm" Lucas said, appearing "And you got out"
"Maybe, a lot of things are happening to me at the moment, I'm quiet surprised dad hasn't put a lead on me" Mayla said, making Alicia giggle.
"That sounds like your father" she said.
Mayla rolled her eyes.
"What? How did someone find me?" Mayla asked.
Alicia looked down sheepishly.
"We bumped into Oshan on the way back home and he said about the being and we went to find you and found you looking dead on the ground" Alicia explained "Lucas went onto the relfection of your phone and called the police, saying that the public toilet door was closed and he swore he could hear breathing in there...the police came and then called the ambulance"
Mayla nodded.
"...can you tell us what happened?" Alicia asked.
"I don't really want to talk about it" Mayla said.

Mayla looked at the door to see Aphria and her dad standing there.
"Are you okay?" Aphria asked, hugging her friend.
"Ow, stop hugging-"
Aphria let go of her friend who was cringing in pain.
Aphria then suddenly slapped Mayla, which she wasn't shocked by.
"You told me you will be fine!" Aphria snapped "I can never leave you alone anymore can't I?'
"Nope" Mayla said, popping the 'p'.
"What happened?" Her father asked.
"I was going to the toilet and then I got knocked out" Mayla lied "There must have been someone behind the door and hit me"
"They were saying it was like you got thrown to the wall the amount of damage you got" Aphria said "You're lucky someone called when they did you they said you would be...dead?"
"Do you know who saved you?" Her father asked.
Mayla shrugged.
"I was unconscious dad, I don't think I would know" Mayla replied.
Mayla's father sighed.
"Come on, they said you can go" Mayla's dad said "But before we go you have to promise me something"
"Yeah?" Mayla asked.
"That you don't leave the house at all until the doctors think you're okay to do daily things" Mayla's dad said, making her gasp.
"Dad! What about work? I have a shift tomorrow!" Mayla complained.
"Work only!" Mayla's dad said "Or if Aphria is with you and you tell me where you go"
Mayla sighed, knowing he's as stubborn as she is, and nodded with agreement.
"Good, now let's help you home" he said.
"Can Aphria at lest stay over tonight?" Mayla pleaded.
He sighed.
"Only if you got to bed at a reasonable time; you have work" he said, making Aphria squeal.
"Let's do this!" She yelled, making Mayla cringe.
This is going to be a long night.


"Remember to text me if you're feeling the tiniest bit off" Mayla's dad reminded Mayla as she walked out the door of her house the next day.
"Dad, I will be fine" Mayla replied.
"The last couple of times you've said that bad luck has happened" Aphria said, from Mayla's open bedroom window.
Mayla have her friend a glare.
"Work's only around the corner anyway, if anything was to happen, you would know" Mayla said.
Her dad sighed.
"Okay, But please be careful, with all of this stuff happening to's like someone is targeting you" Mayla's dad said "Can you at lest remember anything from your time missing"
Mayla shook her head.
"Nothing at all" Mayla replied "I really have to go or i will be late"
Mayla kissed her father's cheek.
"Bye dad!" Mayla said and walked out of her house and walked down the path.

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