Part 2

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Hi guys so let's start the next part

Swara was standing there blank.She blankly went near Sanskar and looked at him.He thought she has come to defend herself or convince and same thought was of everyone present there.But her next action shocked them.She extended her hand towards him. He got confused.She asked
Swara- PEN
Sanskar and others got shocked.The strong swara which they knew is giving up so easily.Now Sanskar started to shiver.He with shaky hands gave her the pen from his pocket.
She took the pen and without thinking anything signed it and closed her eyes in pain. A lone tear escaped Sanskar eyes but he decided to be strong.He so badly wanted to hug her and cry out his heart but his ego was not letting him to do so.Uttara started crying seeing her bhabhi so emotionless.She straightaway went to swara and hugged and begged not to leave.But swara gently separated herself from Uttara and started moving backward Now Sanskar also started feeling his cheeks wet.
And everybody else was giving swara disgusting looks as they thought she will somehow convince sanskar and come back.They thought that now she don't need sanskar that's why she left him again
When swara disappeared from everyone's sight,all went inside mansion .Uttara come to sanskar and hugged him.Though she was very angry on Sanskar for divorcing swara but she also knows her brother.He might show himself strong but he is more broken.Sanskar started to sob like a child in his sister's embrace.
Uttara took him inside swasan sorry sanskar's room and left.She knows he needs time and this not the time to confront him.
In Sanskar's room
Sanskar sat on bed and remembered every moment he spread with her.He removed his mobile and open the screen.There was her pic pouting so cutely that it made him smile like always.He gently kissed her pic and kept looking at it at kept remembering the recent incidents and fresh tears were flowing from his eyes.
On an empty road
A girl was walking without caring that she was standing in the middle of the road.She was revealed as Swara.
Fresh tears were flowing from her doe shaped eyes remembering about every taunt her so called family gave her.Usually this taunts won't affect her if Sanskar is besides her but she was alone.Sanskar himself has decided to divorce her.She knew his decision according to him was right and she did not blame him.She toh blamed herself for being so selfless for her family.She thought according to his perspective.Didn't it hurt him when the whole family of his accused him for his brother's missing and to add on it she also did the same mistake.
she was so engrossed in thinking about all this that didn't notice a car coming towards her and Thud!!!!
On the same road a, man was driving with a jet speed and he was revealed as Aman Bestfriend com PA of Sanskar.He was informed by uttara about the sudden happening and he quickly took his car to look after his friend.He was so worried that he failed to notice a figure in front of it.It was night so he didn't see and he dashed with it and the person in font went unconscious.
He quickly came out and turned her.He switched on the torch of his mobile and closely saw the lady.He recognised her.She was Swara.He was already worried and now this.He quickly picked her up and kept her in passenger seat and went on driver seat and drew to hospital.He first decided he will not inform Sanskar but then thought that it will be good if he informs or Sanskar will get more panicked kmowing it suddenly. But his first priority was to admit Swara in hospital.As he reached there he picked her up and started shouting for doctors.He knew Sanskar will die if anything happens to his swara.He made her lie on stretcher and swara was taken inside ICU.
Sanskar's room
On the other hand here sanskar who was remembering about swara got disturbed hearing the ringtone of his mobile and the flashed was Aman
He picked the call telling him not to disturb him but got shock when Amanda spoke
Aman-Sanskar quickly come to City hospital swara had an accident.
Hearing swara's name and futher news he got alert and fear on losing swara engulfed his heart.He quickly picked his car keys and rushed out crying.On the way he met Uttara he told her everything and they both went.
Uttara was driving the car as sanskar was totally numb.As they sanskar rushed inside the hospital and spotted Aman.He asked him.
Sanskar-where is swara? How is she?how this happened?plz tell me dammit.
Seeing his restlessness Aman told him everything and also informed that swara is fine.Uttara to heard it.They both took a sigh of relief.Seeing him like this Aman got furious
Aman-What is this sanskar? How can u do this?u can't even leave without her and her u are divorcing her.It was my duty to inform u and I did that but y u care.U should be sitting at home enjoying now swara will die
Aman-Don't shout sanskar.I can also shout.If u can't listen any thing about her then y are u seperating her from yourself?
Sanskar-I don't know that just take care of her and she should not get to know I was there.And its an order got that.
Aman(gritting his teeth)- yes sir.
Sanskar-Good.Uttara let's go.
Uttara-But bha....
Sanskar-Uttara no argument lets go.
Uttara left crying.
Aman-Sanskar u are not doing good.
Sanskar ignored him and drew to the mansion.
In the mansion
Uttara without talking to sanskar went away.Sanskar Knew she was angry.
In sanskar's room
Sanskar went inside took his mobile and opened the screen and started talking to the pic of swara
Sanskar-I know I m doing wrong with everyone but I m tired.I can't bear more heartbreaks.This will always repeat.U will again distrust me and again the same story.So it's better I build a strong wall around my heart so that u can't enter.This is best for both of us.I love u so much but it's has been overpowered by the hate towards u due to the recent happenings and I want the same.
Saying this he slowly drifted indeed slumber been hell tired emotionally.

Bye take care.

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