Part 7

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Happy diwali guys
So let's start
The scene starts after the Judgement where both swasan were staring each other with a painful eyelock.They never thought this will happen but it has happened.Aman signed Uttara something and she nodded.
Aman and Uttara kept their hands on swasan respectively. Swara hugged Aman and started crying while Sanskar said nothing.He was seeing swara how much she was crying and he so wanted to run and hug her tightly and make her calm but he can't.Sanskar saw Aman said something to swara and she stopped crying and smiled and nodded.
Here Aman said her
Aman-Shona why r u crying again.This is needed and u r officially SWARA BOSE and I don't know her but u do so is she a crybaby?
Swara laughed at this and nodded her head saying now she will not cry.
Giving last glance at Sanskar both went out followed by Sanskar and Uttara.
Ragini again to add fuel in fire said
Swara-Now what will u do?I think u should do suicide(Sanskar listened this and his back stiffened)I'll give u ideas wait(acts like thinking) yes u can hang yourself with a fan or u can cut your wrist or consume poison,  or the best way jump from the Howrah bridge, or ..
Sanskar(interpreted)  - stop it dare u continue.Stop giving your stupid suggestion.(seeing swara dangerously)And dare u do anything like that I won't spare u.
Swara got afraid seeing him like that.To control the situation Aman said
Aman-Chill buddy she will not do anything like that come swara let's go.
Swara-Wait bhai let me answer so unanswered questions.
Aman looked confused
Swara-so Ragini what u said I will do suicide.I m not like u.Those people do suicide who r afraid to face circumstances.And I m not afraid.U were saying I don't have trust in love.But u r wrong I have full faith in love.And u see how I prove it.And that's my promise.And Ragini one more thing do you love getting insulted by me then say that I will frequently do so.
Ragini again felt insulted.
Insulting Ragini swara gets in the car leaving everyone stunned.Aman too leaves from there.
Ragini, Sujatha,Ap like always mutter some curses and went
Uttara shakes shocked Sanskar and he too went back with her.
At mm
Ragini as usual was talking to her messenger Dadi
Ragini-Dadi today swara crossed her limits.She insulted me ,Ragini Maheshwari the dil of Maheshwari family.I will take my revenge.But I don't understand what should I do.What is her weakness?
Dadi-Laado try to break the promise she gave u.The big dialogues she said prove them wrong.
Ragini-u r right Dadi but for that I should get something and I will do something for which both swasan will hate each other and this is the best pain for them.
Dadi- Now u came to the laado is so intelligent.
Ragini-That toh no doubt
She cut the call and started planing something evil in her not so intelligent brain and finally smirked
Ragini-Now u see swara what storm I introduced in your life.
Afterwards went for preparing dinner
In Badi
Swara again started to where her old dresses like this

Afterwards went for preparing dinner In BadiSwara again started to where her old dresses like this

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But the smile was missing.Aman saw this .To cheer her mood he said
Aman-Shona u look so beautiful today.I curse myself for making u my sister.
Swara looked at him with open mouth.She glared him and raised her eyebrows asking why
Swara-  And why u think so?(full red in anger)
Aman-  then how can I flirt with u now.(pouted)
Listening his reply she ran after him and the tom and jerry fight began
Aman stopped and tickled her.She laughed loud.Both were laughing unaware of the storm coming in their lives.
In mm Sanskar's room
Sanskar was sitting silently thinking something deeply.Uttara came and saw him.
She also started to lighten his mood.
She removed her mobile and took out a photo from gallery.She went near sanskar and shaked him.She said
Uttara-Bhai I want to show u something
Not wanting to spoil his sister's mood he said
Sanskar-Then show.
Uttara showed the pic in her mobile.Seeing the pic he widened his eyes.He immediately said
Sanskar-Uttara delete that pic
Uttara-not at all.I will toh post it on fb
Sanskar-No.U will not do this stupidity.U r toh my sweet sister na. U ask me anything but please deleted it.I m a reputed businessman. What will my reputation be in business world plzz
Uttara-No I won't and I will give to Aman bhai
Sanskar-No not him.That loud speaker will spread it like a wild fire.
He started to chase her.He caught her.
Sanskar-now where will u quietly deleted my pic
Uttara-Ok but promise me u will listen to me always.
Sanskar-  I promise.
She deleted the pic in front of him
Uttara-By the way bhai u were looking so cute in the getup of radha ( laughs)
Sanskar( cried like a child)- not fair uttara.By the way when did u get that pic from?
Uttara-when I and bhabhi were seeing your childhood album that time we saw
His eyes popped out of his sockets
Sanskar-Means swara knows about this?She also.have this pic?
Uttara(casually)-yes she also have it.I also couldn't recognize but swara bhabhi did.
Sanskar-Omg now I m gone
There Sujatha called them for dinner.But Sanskar was in dilemma what to do of that pic and the divorce thing was long forgotten
On dining table
All were eating silently when Ragini opened her mouthed
Ragini-Papaji I was thinking can we keep a party for laksh's return?
Uttara-but bhabhi it's been so long Laksh bhai came why so suddenly?
Ragini-Uttara when elders are talking you should keep quite.
Uttara(Whispered to Sanskar) - Is she elder?
Sanskar laughed
Dp-But Ragini , Uttara didn't say anything wrong and u could have suggested it long before
Ragini- But papaji that time situations were not such.Everything was so messed up but now it is clear .And many of the people in business world r still unaware that laksh maheshwari Is back.
Ap-Ji she is right.We even didn't celebrate anything together so this can be the reason
Dp-Ok hope Ram u don't have any problem
Rp-No bhaisa your decision is my decision.
Uttara and Sanskar looked at each other and sighed.Their father will not change.
Ragini-One more thing papaji , can we call swara too?
Sujata-Kya r u mad? Yesterday u were fighting with her n today again planning to make her your jethani?
Ragini-no chachiji you r getting me wrong.Everyone knows that sanskarji and swara had a divorce.So everyone will ask and taunt us so let her  face it.Mistake was her's why we should bear taunts.Let her bear and answer them.Afterall she is expert in it
Sanskar-But I don't want her to bear anything.So shut u...
Sujata(interpreted)  - Tu chup kar chore. Bhaisa Ragini is saying correct.Give her a special invitation.
Dp-Ok u can call her.
Sanskar-But badepapa
Uttara-Ok badepapa bhai have no problem
Uttara took Sanskar aside.
Sanskar-uttara what is this?
Uttara-Bhai we all r there na then plz I want bhabhi to come plz. U told u will listen to me
Sanskar-ok (Unwillingly)
Sanskar gets a call
Sanskar-yes Karan (office manager)
Karan- Sir day after tomorrow u have to go for meeting in delhi.
Sanskar(thinks)- That day foreign deligates r gonna come in morning and evening party.I will send Aman.that's better(to karan) I won't be able to go I will send Aman.
Karan- No problem sir I will inform them bye sir.
In badi in bose house
Swara and Aman were chit chatting when swara suddenly said
Swara- Bhai I m feeling something will happen.I m feeling some vibes. But can't guess it. Are they good or bad
Aman- Nothing will happen u take a chill pill
Swara smiled.

Continued. ...
So r swara's feelings good or bad?keep guessing....
Bye take care.

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