Part 14

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Hi guys. Hope u enjoyed the previous part.

So let's start

Sanskar sat on the sofa and went in deep thoughts. Aman placed his hands on his shoulder

Aman- Sanskar( He looked up) Everything will be fine.

Sanskar- what will be fine Aman? How will we remove her pain?  She has helped me so much to get out of a dreadful mess but now I m feeling helpless. We always thought she is bold and strong but she is not. She is very sensitive. I can't see her like this.

Aman- If she can support u then u can do the same

Sanskar- No Aman it's not that easy. She will always hide every pain in her heart. She will not disclose it. I can't provide her that motherly support which she gave me. That day when everyone accused me, that night she was a mother to me. But u see tomorrow when she will wake up she will hide her pain and act normally.

Aman- U need to understand her more. U have to be that close that she can share every damn thing with u. And now she has nobody other than u, me and uttara.

Sanskar- U r right. I will make such a bond with her that she can be free with me.

Aman- Good now I need to leave. When Swara wakes up just message me. I again need to leave for Mumbai. I could have waited but Swara won't like it so better I go. Take care of Swara, yourself and Uttara.

Sanskar- U don't worry. U go safely.  Bye

Aman- Bye.

Aman went in swara's room to check her once. He caressed her hair and pecked her forehead and left.

Sanskar went inside and saw uttara sleeping next to Swara in an uncomfortable position. He picked her up and made her sleep in another room. He again went to swara's room.He sat beside her and kept caressing  her hair and then he unknowingly slept.

Next day he woke up feeling movement. He saw Swara gaining her senses.
Swara opened her eyes only to see her best friend.
She smiled at him slightly and he returned it back.

Sanskar-  Swara u need anything?

Swara- Water

Sanskar made her sit properly and made her drink water. Swara held her head.


Sanskar(worried)- What happened Swara? R u fine?

Swara-  no no just a slight headache.

Sanskar-  Ya doctor told me u will get little headache for 2 days.

Swara hummed and went for freshening up. Sanskar sighed. He knew she got headache because again she remembered yesterday's incident. He went out n woke up Uttara.

In hall

Swara came out only to see Sanskar making breakfast.

Swara-  sanskar what is the need. I will prepare it u go.

Sanskar nodded no.

Swara- Sanskar plz. Ok.atleast let me help u.

Sanskar-  Fine.

Swara- I will make dough ok.( sanskar nodded)

Swara started making it but her hair were coming in middle. She tried to side it but her hands were busy. Sanskar saw this. He came to her. Swara looked at him with questionable eyes. Sanskar smiled and just slided her hair with his finger. Swara smiled seeing him.

Sanskar-  Swara there is something on your cheek.

Swara- What?

Sanskar- Flour. Let me wipe it of. Oh it is near your nose, chin and forehead too.Let me wipe it too.

Sanskar wiped it and began to laugh. Swara gave him a confused gaze. Sanskar remove his mobile and took a pic of Swara and showed to her. Seeing the photo she fumed in anger.

Swara- Sanskar. ( started to beat him) u r so bad, u made me a joker out of flour. U wait today I will make u bath with flour.

She took handful of flour. Seeing this sanskar ran. Swara ran after him.

Sanskar- Swara I m already fair plz no.

Swara came near him and smirked. She took the flour near his face and applied it throughout. Swara's phone was nearby so she grabbed it and quickly took a pic of sanskar. She laughed. Sanskar was happy  seeing her. Sanskar got lost seeing her.

Swara- Tit for tat. Now u go wash your face till then I will prepare breakfast.

Sanskar went to wash his face.  Swara prepared breakfast and set it on the dinning table  . Uttara came.

Uttara- Good morning bhabhi.  How r u?

Swara- Good morning uttara. I m fine. Now have your breakfast. U need to go to college right.

Uttara- Ya bhabhi.

Afterwards trio had breakfast and uttara left to college.

Swara- Sanskar u also go to office.  U r getting late

Sanskar- No today I will not go to office. Today I want to talk with my friend. So lets complets the work and then we will go on terrace.

Swara- ok.

Swasan completed the work and went on terrace. They sat on the swing .

Sanskar- Swara

Swara- Hmm.

Sanskar- Why do u always hide your emotions for me?

Swara- nothing like that sanskar.

Sanskar- Oh really. What u think of yourself? I know u r strong and whole world knows that but not that strong to hide your emotions. What's your problem? If not with me u can open up with someone else but plz don't do this. U r not only hurting yourself but also us who care for u. First of all remove that fake mask of smile from your face.

Swara's tears began to flow. His words always affected her .

Swara- What I should share with u sanskar? Your condition is same like me.

Sanskar- but now I don't feel anything. Now their words doesn't affect me because I have removed it in front of u. U r the only one who has seen all my side's.

Swasan both kept quiet for sometime. Sanskar sighed and stood up to leave. As he moved, Swara hold his hand. Sanskar turned back. Swara gestured him to sit. Sanskar sat down.

Swara- U know I have never shared my feeling with anyone. I have seen everyone around me struggling. I never wanted to give them any tension because of me. When I was born I had only my ma and dida. Ma had literally done household work to raise me. I never asked her about baba though everyone teased me. Slowly I came to know the reason and then I felt proud on my ma for raising me. I never felt the need of a father. Then too knowing who my father is I made her marry him. I think that was the worst decision I took. (Her eyes became wet) Dida warned me but my stubbornness has cost me a lot. I was so happy with my small family but everything destroyed.  My life is like a roller coaster ride. That day when I needed my ma the most she left me because of ragini. I always felt nice when ma treated ragini equal to me. But I didn't expect her to ignore me. This always made me think Am I her real daughter? Who likes being an orphan? My heart pains seeing my mother caring someone else. Tomorrow is bhai duj . Ragini will celebrate it with Ayush but me. Sometimes I think I failed.(by now she was crying like hell. Sanskar hugged her) I failed to complete every duty. I can't be a good daughter, a good sister, a good wife, a good friend,  everything.

Sanskar- Swara shh.  Stop crying . U have not failed.   if u feel u have failed then remember failures are the first step towards success.

Sanskar wiped of swara's tears. Swara was tired due to crying so she slept on his shoulder. Sanskar kept caressing her hair. When he felt her whole weight he saw her.  Her nose was red due to crying. She was looking so cute. He pecked her forehead. He picked her up and left to her room.

But their conversation was listened by someone. She felt very guilty. She was
I know u all have guessed.  It was Shomi.Now she began to realise her mistake. But the wound.anywhere can be healed but the wound of heart can't be healed. She wiped her tears and left.


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