Part 12

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Hi guys. Hope u enjoy this part
So lets start

The scene starts with swasan leaving cabin.Sanskar left to conference room.Swara was about to leave office when she heard
Person- Miss Swara
Swara abruptly turned.Seeing the person she genuinely smiled.
Swara-oh hi Mr John.Nice to meet u.Suprised to see u here.
Mr John- Ya actually came to meet Sanskar.We want to discuss about party preparations.Hope u got the invitation.
Swara- Ya it's my pleasure I m being invited to a business party.
Mr John- Mention not. You deserve it.U r a great friend of Sanskar.
Swara- Ya that's true.Actually sir its good I met u here.I need a permission from u.
Mr John- Yes plz tell
Swara- Actually u were present at the party and u have witnessed the drama out there.The one who did that I want to expose her.As Sanskar was insulted in front of his clients and his image was also destroyed in front of them so I feel the black spot of his image should be removed in front of them and Party is the best place for it.So if u don't mind can I expose the truth?
Mr John- Of course miss Swara.I would be happy if u do so.Go for it I m with u.And if u need any help I m there.
Swara- Thanks for understanding me.
Mr John- Your Welcome.
Mr John left from there.Swara sighed in relief. She too left to badi.

Next day evening Party.

Sanskar was busy checking preparations. He was dressed in a white shirt,black jeans and black blazer.He was looking absolutely handsome.Today girls were going to die seeing him.Uttara was also present there wearing a full sleeves gown.She was continuously starring the door only to see whether her bhabhi arrived or not.

Guests started to arrive.Sanskar was busy in guest when he heard a loud voice.
Voice- Bhabhi.
And there she was coming with all her glamour.

Sanskar turned to the door and was awestruck seeing such a beauty

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Sanskar turned to the door and was awestruck seeing such a beauty.He never fails to get lost in her. Not only him but other men too were lost in her.He looked around and a sudden anger raised in him seeing every men staring Swara.He went near her.Swara was talking to Uttara.He faked cough to gain their attention.
Swara saw him.Now it was her time to get lost in her prince charming.She came out of the dream world hearing his voice.
Sanskar- Looking beautiful.
He genuinely praised. She passed a shyly smile.
Swara- U too.
Sanskar- What beautiful?
Swara- Idiot handsome. Who made u businessman.
Sanskar- Swara why r u repeating same dialogue again and again.First only I have a very bad image now if u will call me idiot what will happen to me?
Swara- Don't worry nothing will happen.Today everything will be sorted.( Sanskar and Uttara gave a confused look) see Maheshwari family arrived go welcome them(changing the topic)
Sanskar- No I will not go.Mr John invited them.And I m not interested too.
Sanskar went to other guest ignoring Maheshwaris. Swara and Uttara got busy in chatting like always.
Uttara- Bhabhi today I m feeling little awkward in this gown
Swara- why is it uncomfortable?
Uttara- No no it's more comfortable that my normal party wear
Swara- Then?
Uttara- I m wearing it first time and all the family members especially mom,badi ma and Ragini bhabhi r giving us weird looks.Before they arrived I was comfortable but now recieving such look I feel I m doing something wrong
Swara- Baccha don't think like that.Who r they to judge u? How many days u r going to be in their restrictions.First time is always awkward. Get use to it u will feel comfortable.Sanskar bought for u with so much love.See his love not their looks ok.
Uttara- U r right bhabhi. U r the best.
Swara(raising her imaginary color) - I know.
Both laughed.The party started.
Mr John- Hi Good eevening everyone.Today Sanskar and I have organised this party to announce our success. Its my pleasure to work with such a gentleman. I hope he reachs heights.
Sanskar came forward.
Sanskar- Thanks Mr John.Today is a very big day for me.My biggest dream is fulfilled.This success is not only mine but also the people who shaped my life. My best friend Aman who was with me from last six years.He has witnessed all my ups and downs of my career and life.Today I miss him lot.Second is my sister who always supports me in any circumstances. And the last is my...
Sujata taught he will take her name but
Sanskar- And last is my best friend Swara. Who has being an important person in shaping me.She is the one who always removed me from darkness.I can say she is an angel for me who can come in any form for me.She is the solution for every problem.Thank u for being with me.
Uttara's and swara's eyes filled with tears.They smiled at him.Sujatha felt bad and even Ram.Sujatha and ragini also felt jealous on Swara.
Ragini(thinks)- In party Laksh for once didn't mention my name and Sanskar being divorced to Swara spoke so much about Swara in front of the whole world.
Suddenly all heard a voice.
Voice- When u miss me I need to come right.
Swara,Sanskar and uttara immediately recognised the voice
Uttara,Swara/Sanskar-Aman bhai/ Buddy.
Aman came from the door with a heroic entry.
Sanskar hugged him.Uttara and Swara went near him.Uttara hugged him but Swara turned her face.
Aman- What happened to Sanskar's Angel?
Sanskar glared while Swara shied but none saw.
Swara- Because u fooled me
Aman- When did I fool u?
Swara( imitating him)- Swara I will take 15 days to return sorry.
Aman- I didn't fool u. I have to again leave tomorrow. Mr John invited me.He said today something is gonna happen and that is very interesting ( Teasing smile)
Swara abruptly turned.
Sanskar-What interesting?
Swara-Nothing. (Glaring Aman)
Mr John- Welcome Aman.Thanks for coming.It means a lot
Aman- Mention not sir.
Mr John- Actually miss Swara I have heard something about u
Swara-First of all sir plz call me Swara and what have u heard about me?
Mr John- I have heard that u r a beautiful singer.So plz it's my request can u sing a song for us
Swara- Sir but. .
Sanskar- Swara plz.
Swara- Ok
Mr John-Attention everyone.Today Miss Swara is gonna singer a beautiful song for us. Plz cheer her up.
All clapped. Lights went off.There was a spotlight in middle an a chair was kept.Swara came in spotlight and sat on chair with her guitar.She closed her eyes and began to sing.

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