Part 17

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Hi guys extremely sorry for late update.

Before continuing the part I would like to clear your confusion that my story is still incomplete. Actually some had messaged me that my story is shown complete. So plz clear the confusion.

So let's start

In Sanskar's cabin

Both swasan were busy in their own work. Soon it was lunch time. Truely speaking swara was very hungry but being her first day she was unknown of the schedule. Sanskar was so engrossed in his work that he forgot about lunch. It was almost 2 hours past lunch and still he was busy. Due to hunger, Swara was making some funny yet super cute expressions.

Suddenly sanskar lift his head don't know for what reasons. He looked at swara but was surprised to see her antics. He chuckled and asked

Sanskar- Swara what happened?

Swara- Umm Sanskar. ..vo. umm

Sanskar- Swara from when did u started to hesitate?

Swara- Actually Sanskar when is the lunch time? I m very hungry. Instead of rats now elephants are running in my stomach.

Hearing swara, Sanskar looked at his watch and was shocked to see the time.

Sanskar- Oh shit how can I forget lunch time! Sorry sorry. U might be hungry. Wait let me call lunch for us.

Swara nodded.

Soon the lunch came and both had it. Swara sighed heavily after her stomach was filled. Later again both got busy in their work.

At 5 pm

It was time for the chinese clients to come.

In conference room.

Swara and Sanskar together got the deal.

( I don't want to elaborate it as it is waste of time)

The clients too were very much impressed by Swara's work.

Sanskar was very happy today because it was the first time in his business career that he has made deal with 2 international clients.

Now it was no doubt that Swara was his lucky charm. He was very much happy. They decided to celebrate.

They went to a restaurant.

In restaurant

Swara and sanskar ordered their favourite dishes and had their dinner happily.

After their dinner

Sanskar-  Swara u wait outside parking lot till then I will bring my car.

Swara nodes to him.

Swara was waiting for him when suddenly she heard two spoil brats passing comments on her . They came near her and started teasing her

Person 1- oh ho what a red chill bhai.

Person 2- U r rights. Lets have fun ( to swara) hey babe come with us lets enjoy for a night.

Swara felt disgusting hearing them. She looked at them angrily.

Person1- Oh ho darling calm down. Only for one night. Vaise u r looking hot in this angry mode too.

Swara got furious and slapped him.

Person 1(angry) - how dare u slap me and insult me? Wait let me show u who I m?

Swara- I don't care who r u?  Get lost

Person2 - U need to know what can we do (to person1) hold her.

In few seconds he hold her by her arms. It happened in few seconds that swara didnt get time to react. His grip was strong on her. Now both were holding her. There was a wall near by. They pushed her towards it and started touching her. Swara was trying hard to get out of their grip but she was helpless. Tears formed in her eyes. Not getting any option she shouted

Swara- Sanskar help. Sanskar

Sanskar was going towards parking lot when he met his friend. He spoke for sometime and was going to take his car when he heard swara's crying voice

Sanskar got tensed and he immediately ran towards her. His blood boiled seeing someone forcing swara. He went towards them and pulled both and started beating them mercilessly. They both got afraid and ran away. Sanskar left a frustrated sigh. He remembered about swara and he turned towards her. There she was shivering in fear. She was very much afraid. He went near her. Seeing him she hugged him and started crying.

Sanskar was rubbing her back and trying to make her calm. Afterwards her cries subsided but sobs continued. He gently picked her in his arms and held her protectively. Swara hide her face in his chest being afraid. He took her near car and made her sit in passenger seat. Sanskar was going towards driving seat when he felt swara was not leaving him

Sanskar- Swara I m getting in the car. Calm down.

Swara left him. He got in the car. He took a water bottle and made her drink water. Sanskar started the car .

Whole journey was silent. Swara was just looking outside. Sanskar glanced at her and sighed. They reached badi. Sanskar was about to get down

Swara( faked smiled)  - don't worry sanskar. I will go.

Sanskar- No u r not going to stay alone atleast today.

Swara stayed quiet. Sanskar came out and again picked swara in his arms and went inside. 

In swara's room

Sanskar made her lie on the bed.

Sanskar- Swara u take rest till then I will freshen up.

Swara nodded. As he left swara started crying again. She started rubbing her body harshly. Though sanskar saved her but then too she was feeling ashamed. Their touch was making her feel disgusting. She always wanted sanskar should be the only person to touch her but today she failed to protect herself. She was always at the opinion that women should be self dependent but today she failed. She was continously rubbing that blood started coming out.

Sanskar came in and saw her behaviour. He tried to stop her but she was senseless.  Having no option he...................,...,.,....

Slapped her
Swara came in her senses. She saw him and hugged him tightly and cried. She cried and after getting tired she slept on him. Not getting any response he looked at her and found her sleeping. He made her lie on bed and started caressing her hair. He also unknowingly slept.


Plz guys suggest me some new ideas to continue the story. Plzzzzzzzz....

Good bye tc

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