Part 9

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Hi guys hope u enjoyed the last part.
So let's continue further
The scene starts with all the clients and the guests leaving.Ragini was still fuming seeing her so good plan failing and gaining a slap from swara.
Swara-Mom today u have broken sanskar to the core.He knew may anyone trust him or not but his mom will always trust him.The thing which was done by me seven months before is now done by u.
Uttara-Ma bhabhi is right.From the day laksh bhai has returned u forgot u have 2 children.U were too busy in pampering laksh bhai that u forgot your own son suffered so much without any mistake.Everytime it's Sanskar bhai or Swara bhabhi suffer because of u all.U all held swara bhabhi responsible for their seperation but the reality is the whole family is responsible.Because of u a pure relation came to an end.Now what is left that Ragini bhabhi again u want to break them or make them hate each other. Then plz I beg u stop this cheap tricks because I have seen both of them broken but now I can't see them hating each other.
Saying this she started crying.Swara ran to her and hugged her.
Swara-Uttara don't u trust your bhabhi. I can hate myself but not sanskar.But plz don't stress yourself because of them.They don't deserve it.
Uttara nodded and wiped her tears.
Swara-Ragini feeling very bad that your plan flopped.Now keep this in mind that u had enough of your tricks.Again u do something like this u have to face Swara Bose. And u better know her.If it was Swara Gadodia or Maheshwari she could have forgiven u but Swara Bose will make your life hell.So beware.
Everyone was stunned hearing her.The sweet,caring,selfless swara was no where to be seen,now this is the old swara who is dangerous and selfish.
Sanskar and Uttara were happy.
Swara suddenly said
Swara-Oh no it's 11:30 I need to leave.Bye Uttara and Sanskar.
Swara was about to go when Sanskar said
Sanskar-Wait swara I will drop u it's too late.
Swara-No no sanskar I will go by cab
Sanskar-I m not asking u I m telling u let me bring the keys.
Sanskar went to his room brought the keys and came back.
Sanskar-Let's go.
Swasan left.
Swara sat on the passenger seat.Swara was nervously playing with her fingers.Sanskar was clutching the steering wheel tight.Both wanted to share something but they wanted other to start.
They reached near badi.
Swara was going to open the door when Sanskar said
Swara turned. As soon as she turned, Sanskar hugged her and started crying.Swara was stunned.She came to senses when she felt wetness on her shoulders.To calm him down swara said
Swara-Calm down Sanskar.Why r u crying for them.They don't deserve your tears so stop crying.
Sanskar- Am I that bad that mom didn't trust me?
He asked innocently sobbing in her embrace.
Swara-No Sanskar u r the most purest soul .U don't worry when she will come to know about reality she will regret and now stop crying .Come home I know today u will feel suffocated in mm .
Sanskar nodded and parked his car.
They both went inside Bose house. Swara informed uttara about Sanskar.
Swara-  Sanskar I will give u Aman bhai's clothes u change till then I will prepare something to eat.
Sanskar silently nodded and went to change.
Swara prepared something for them.Both sat on dining table.She served him.He was just playing with the food being lost. Swara signed and shaked him.Swara took the morsel of food in her hand and fed him.He was eating it with absentmind.
Swara-  Sanskar now sleep in Aman bhai's room.I will go now if u need anything call me.
Swara was about go when Sanskar said
Sanskar- Swara plz stay with me for today.
Swara looked at him. Today he needs her.She went close to him and put his head in her lap.She started carsessing his hair.They were silent.After sometime Sanskar spoke
Sanskar-Swara we were so happy before right.We didn't in our dreams thought that we will have to break up with each other.If I ever knew this I would have taken u far away from here.Really speaking I love u so much but I m afraid that again u will come and break me and I m not that strong to bear it.Your today's support was something which I never expected.I expected u to blame me but what u did surprised me.But as I said don't expect me to love u again.  Because I m afraid.I know u did all this only for me.Don't change yourself for me.I won't love u. I don't want to hurt u by saying this but move on
Sanskar looked up.He saw swara's tears,he always felt bad seeing those tears.
Sanskar-Swara plz don't cry.I know u r hurt by my words but it's reality.
Swara-  No I m not crying so much.I m just crying because my love made u so much weak that now u r afraid of loving me.If I ever knew this I wouldn't have expressed my love to u.I didn't knew my anger 7 months back will cost me this much.Ragini was right I m not fit for love.My love is that worst that it made u weak.
Sanskar(interpreted) - no swara u r taking me wrong. Your love is the most purest.Its just my insecurities so don't blame yourself.
Swara-U said not to change but u r wrong.I want to change myself because the swara u loved was always swara selfless but I want to again be that swara who was so selfish. Lets do one thing.Lets start everything new.That time our relationship started with friendship.Now also lets start with friendship.But this time no mission just a pure friendship.After our divorce there was so much awkwardness between us.So being friends we can talk frankly atleast. So friends?
Swara forwarded her hand.Sanskar thought for sometime.Then he to forwarded his hand.
Sanskar-Ok friends.
Swara- That's like a good boy
Sanskar- I m not a boy.
Swara- U r a cute boy.
Sanskar- Swara.
Swara-What swara? I know my name is swara.
Sanskar- Swara u wait let me explain u my way.
He started to tickle her.She began to laugh.After sometime they both stopped and looked at each other and again laughed.
Swara-Now sleep I will go.
Sanskar- Ok good night.
Swara-Good night.
Swara went.Sanskar lied down on the bed
Sanskar(thinks) - Hope this friendship proves fruitful where there is no hurt only happiness.May swara's change bring light in our life.From tomorrow there will be a new start.
Swara went to her bedroom and she lied on bed
Swara(thinks)-Hope this friendship brings light in our life.God help me to remove Sanskar's fear and again achieve his love.

Both slept peacefully praying about their new found friendship.


Will their friendship again give rise to love.
Lets hope for the best
Bye guys take care.

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