Part 18

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Hi extremely sorry forward keeping u waiting. I m very busy in my studies so can't get time.

Guys thanks for your suggestions.

So let's start

Next day

In swara's room

Sun rays peep through window and falls on Swara. She felt disturbed. She turned opposite to the window and slept in sanskar's lap. Due to her movement, his sleep broke. He saw her sleeping peacefully. He caressed her hair when he saw her dried tears. He remembers yesterday's incident. His blood boil.

Sanskar(thinks)- How those bloody idiots dared to touch what is mine. I will make sure they face hell. They will have to pay for every tear they brought in my princess's eyes.

Sanskar realised what he told but ignored.

Just then Swara woke up. She slowly opened her eyes and was shocked seeing her in Sanskar's lap. She immediately got up.

Sanskar- Relax Swara. Its ok. U get fresh.

Swara went to washroom to get fresh. After she left Sanskar called someone

Sanskar(sternly) - Hello

PA- Yes sir
( I know u all r confused that Aman is his PA then how can the PA change. Its just that Aman went so for temporary purpose Sanskar appointed other person)

Sanskar- I want the goons who attacked Swara in front of my eyes till tomorrow. I'll send u the details

PA- Yes sir

Swara came out from washroom that time sanskar cut the call.

She was looking so pale due to crying.

Sanskar- Swara r u fine?

Swara(faked smile-)- Ya sanskar. What will happen to me?

Sanskar- O really u think I don't know u. Then u r wrong, I know u in and out so better don't hide anything from me

Swara looked at him for some seconds and then hugged him tightly letting out her pain. More than her it pained him seeing her like this. He missed his bold and brave Swara a lot

Sanskar(caressing her hair)- Shh stop crying. U r my strong Swara right. Nothing happened. I m hear with u. U r safe.

Hearing his soothing words she calm down. But still she was sobbing

Swara(innocently) - U will never leave me right?

Sanskar(smiles)- Never ever.

They had a short eyelock which was broken by phone ringing sound. It was swara's phone. Seeing the caller Id she smiled faintly.

Swara- Hello Aman bhai how r u?

Aman- I m fine but why is your voice so dull. U r fine right?( hell worried)

Swara(controlling her tears)- What r u saying bhai? I m absolutely fine. I just have a slight headache.

Aman(not convinced) - Ok fine. I believed. But take care. Leave that give phone to that idiot

Swara(confused) Which idiot?

Aman- The one who is presently in your house.

Swara giggled hearing him. Sanskar was happy seeing her smiling but confused

Sanskar(monologue) - why she is looking at me and laughing. Strange!

Swara- Sanskar , bhai want to talk to u

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