Part 19

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Hi guys. Hope u enjoy the part

So let's start

Sanskar came in his room and first thing he did was to call Swara. He wanted to tell her today's happenking. Swara on first ring picked his call

Sanskar- Swara u know what........,

Swara(crying)- Sanskar were r u? Plz come na. I m afraid. They will.....

Sanskar(scared)- Swara what happened? Why r u crying?

Swara(crying)- Sanskar they will come and rape me. Now I saw a dream that they came a r....ap..ed me .....

Sanskar(consoling her)- Swara baccha calm down. U r safe. They won't come. It was just a nightmare.

She calmed a little.

Sanskar- ok now(she hmm) Good. Now drink a glass of water and complete the file. Don't sleep. I'll come, then u sleep.

Swara- Hmmm.(remembers something) but wait u looked excited when u call.what happened?

Sanskar- once I come home I'll tell u. U surely will be happy.

Swara(excited)- Really. Ok I m waiting. Bye.

Sanskar- bye

Sanskar monologue

Its gonna be difficult. This incident affected Swara a lot. I have to handle her properly. I cant believe this my Swara. She was strong enough to handle such situations. I m happy she is dependent on me but not for this. I swear on u swara, I will get u back.

With this determination, he went to sujram and told them about Swara. Sujata was adament about meeting her but Sanskar told her to come tomorrow. He told them to inform uttara. Then he went to swara.

Badi in Bose house

Swara was busy reading the file when she heard a door knock. She got afraid . Rather going to the door to open it, she went to a corner and sat there crying keeping head on knees.

On the other hand Sanskar was hell worried getting no response. He tried to call her but only heard sobs. He opened the door slowly with extra keys he had of Aman. He saw Swara's state and felt vulnerable. He went near her but swara shouted but seeing him see calm down. She instantly hugged him. He rubbed her back calming her.

Sanskar-Swara bas. U r my strong girl right. Calm down. No one can touch SANSKAR MAHESHWARI'S GIRL. Quiet.Shh.

She calm down and now hugged him properly. He too kissed her hair. Swara realised what he said but let it go. She didnt want any awkwardness again. He too realised but he too let it go for swara.

Swara( still hugging him)- Sanskar u wanted to say something right?

Sanskar- Yes but not now. Later. Now come on get up. We need to eat lunch. I brought it from your favourite hotel. Hurry up I m hungry.

Swara (excited)-Really.

Sanskar(happy seeing her happy)- Ya now get up.

She nodded and left to freshen up. Till then Sanskar arranged the food in plates. Swara came and sat for lunch with him. He himself fed her. She too did the same.

After lunch when she was about to wash the plates, he stopped her saying "no work" He made her eat some rasgullas and then took her to her bedroom. He made her lie on the bed and turned to go but she held his hand

Swara (teary scared eyes)- Don't leave me. I m afraid.

Sanskar sighed and went on the other side and slept besides her. She immediately went close to him and hugged him. He held her tightly as if protecting her from the whole world. He felt her relaxing under his warmth. He softly kissed her forehead and drifted to sleep.

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