Part 15

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Hi guys. Hope u enjoy the part.

So lets start


Swara woke up. She was feeling light by sharing her pain with someone who understands her more than herself. She climbed down the bed and freshened up. She went in hall but Sanskar was not present.
Then she again went to her room. She saw a letter near the bed. She took the letter. It was from sanskar.

Swara sorry to leave u alone but I need to go to office for urgent work. Plz have your lunch which is kept on the kitchen slab. I will come in evening with uttara before going in mm. Till then take care. Bye.

Swara smiled seeing the letter.

Swara(monologue) - sanskar u still care for me so much. Everything is coming to its place. Friendship, care, concern is there but LOVE is missing. I can never stop myself from loving u but u need to again feel that love for me. I will surely succeed in doing so.

Swara went down and then had her lunch.  Then she took her first love guitar and started practicing. This is the only thing which gives her peace when she is alone and that's why it's her first love. She got so busy that she forgot about time.

In office

Sanskar was busy making a presentation. He got a call.

Sanskar- yes

Person- sir manager is here to meet u.

Sanskar- Send him.

Manager came with a worried face. Sanskar looked at his face and said.

Sanskar- u look worried. What happened?

Manager- Actually sir tomorrow we have meeting with the German clients. After that with Chinese clients.

Sanskar- Ya u informed me so.

Manager- Sir there is a slight problem

Sanskar- what?

Manager- Sir our language translator is out of town and he refused to come. He didn't inform early and when I scolded him he resigned. Now we don't have any translator and for tomorrow's meeting we badly need him

Sanskar(angry)-  Is it a slight problem for u? Do u know how much it will cost me? They r not any ordinary clients, they r international clients. I have some reputation in business world. If I cancel the meeting,  my whole hardwork will be destroyed.

Manager- Sorry sir but we don't have any other option. We have to cancel it. At such short notice it is difficult to find a translator. There r some formalities to be...

Sanskar- Go hell with your formalities. Find me a translator by hook or crook. Or be ready with your resignation.

Manager got afraid seeing such angry lion ( Sanskar). He nodded and left.

Sanskar hold his head.

Sanskar( monologue)  - Why doesn't problems leave me?I know this useless manager won't find a translator. My company's reputation is on stake. What should I do?

He sadly sighed and left to pick uttara.


Sanskar and uttara came in badi in Bose house.Swara had till now wrapped her practice and got busy in reading a book. She saw both of them at the entrance and asked them to sit.

Swara- U both wait I will prepare dinner in 30 minutes.

Uttara- Bhabhi I will also help.

Swara- No need uttara. I very well know u r tired so just sit quietly.

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