Part 16

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Hi guys hope u enjoyed the previous part.

So let's start

In office

After manager left Sanskar explained swara about her work

Sanskar- see swara I have prepared this presentation just go through it. I will mail u. But be fast because in 1 hour German clients will arrive.

Swara- Ok sanskar.

Sanskar- If u have any doubt call me.

Swara- Sanskar u r my boss. I will come to u if I have any doubt now bye.

Sanskar- Wait swara u do your work here today. As your cabin is not yet ready. As it's your first day u can take my help.

Swara- Ok

Swara sat on sofa. She opened her laptop( which was already given to her by sanskar as an employee) .She just checked the mail and started studying the presentation. She was very much engrossed in her work that failed to notice a pair of eyes r continuously staring her. Yes sanskar was the one. He was lost in her as he first time saw her working so professionally. She was looking divine in her old look. To add more to it her hair were floating in air.Suddenly his phone vibrated bringing him back. He realised what he was doing. He mentally cursed himself.

Sanskar(monologue) -Sanskar r u mad? U r again doing the same mistake. Don't let your heart be controlled by swara. It will again break.

Destiny laughed at him.Innocent boy doesn't know destiny has some other plans for him or more specific for them.

Sanskar looked at his mobile. It was a call from his manager.

Manager- Sir German clients arrived. Conference room is ready

Sanskar- Ok wait. We will arrive in some minutes. ( to swara) Swara r u done?

Swara- Ya

Sanskar- Then let's go clients have arrived.

Swasan left for conference room.

In conference room

The clients were already present. Sanskar came to them and gave a warm smile which they returned Back.

Sanskar- Welcome Mr George.

Swara- herzlich willkommen Mr George.(translation of what sanskar said)

Mr George- Thanks Mr sanskar. ( in german which swara translated)

Sanskar- Let me introduce u with the translator. She is Miss Swara.

Swara(with a professional smile)-
Ich bin dein Übersetzer(I'm your translator)

Mr George- Hi Miss swara, Nice to meet u.(in german)

Sanskar- Lets start the presentation.

Swara- Lasst uns die Präsentation starten

Sanskar was explaining the presentation which swara was keenly translating it.

After he completed it, the clients stood up and claped their hands.

Mr George-
Beeindruckend! Ihre Präsentation war hervorragend. Wir liebten es.

Sanskar looked at swara with questionable eyes

Swara- Sir he is saying he loved your presentation. It's wow.

Sanskar was very happy.

Mr George- Ich möchte mit dir unterschreiben. Bitte bringen Sie die Vertragspapiere mit.

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