Part 11

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Hi guys hope u enjoyed the previous part.

So let's start

In badi ,bose house
Uttara and Swara entered inside.
Uttara- Today was a tiring day but I enjoyed a lot.
Uttara was speaking to Swara but she was somewhere else lost.
Uttara shaked her
Uttara- Bhabhi where r u lost?
Swara- No no nothing.Just thinking about preparations.U don't worry
Uttara-Fine.But if u have any problem plz do tell.
Swara- I said na don't worry now call Sanskar and ask him when is he coming to pick u

Uttara called Sanskar
Uttara- Bhai where r u?
Sanskar-I m on the way. Just few minutes and I will be there in badi
Uttara-Ok bhai come fast.
After sometimes Sanskar came.
Sanskar- Hi Uttara where is swara?
Uttara- Bhai she went to prepare dinner for u.
Sanskar- But I was thinking let's go for dinner.
Uttara- But bhai anything special.
Sanskar-  Ya let Swara come I will tell.Call her.
Uttara went to call her and came out with Swara.
Swara- What happened Sanskar? Why u called me?
U know I was busy in preparing dinner. Already it's too late.After dinner u have to go in mm and now u r making me lat...
Sanskar(keeping his finger on her lips)-stop.How much do u talk. Give rest to your tongue. Always bak-bak. (Swara pouts) So I called u here because I want to give u a good news.
Sanskar-My dream project with foreign deligates is successful. For such big success Mr John and I have decided that we'll keep a party. And Mr John has specially invited u.
Swara-Me?I don't even know Abc about business. What I will do there. U take Uttara.
Uttara-Bhabhi I will have to go but u should also come.
Sanskar- Yes Swara and Me John's wife also wants to meet u personally.
Swara- Ok I will come.And don't forget to invite Maheshwari members.
Sanskar- Now why to invite them?
Swara- Sanskar not with any personal relation but atleast professional.Plz for me.
Sanskar- Ok fine.
Swara-But Sanskar all clients will come?Because yesterday except Mr John no body supported u.
Sanskar- All will come.Not for me but for Mr John so that the clients can also be in good looks of Mr John.
Swara-Ok Chalo now lets go for dinner.
Sanskar-Ok Chalo.
Trio went out to celebrate.
Afterwards Sanskar left Swara in badi and left to mm with uttara.
In mm
Both got inside.
All were sitting in hall chit- chatting. Sanskar came to them and said
Sanskar- Badepapa Mr John has invited u all with family to our success party.
Laksh- Sanskar u came here to invite us or about your success.
Sanskar- I just wanted to invite u so plz shut up.
Sujata- Sanskar mind.d your language.
Sanskar ignored her and left.
Sujata- Sanskar why r u ignoring me?
Uttara- Mom he is not ignoring u he is just giving u the taste of your own behavior.
Sujata- Uttara u r talking too much.Go to your room
Uttara went to her room.

In badi Bose house.
Swara was sitting on sofa.She was having a photo in her hand.
Swara- The party will be the best place to disclose Ragini.U r always overconfidence. No doubt u r intelligent but being overconfident, u often do a mistake.Which inturn turns fruitful for me.Yesterday too u were so busy in insulting me that u bymistakely dropped this photo of Sanskar and that random girl in intimate position. Now u will get what u deserve. Chalo swara lets sleep.Tomorrow u have lots of important work.
Saying this she went to sleep.

Next morning Swara went to the studio from were Ragini created those photos.
(Note- On the photos the name of studio was written)

Person-  Yes mam what do u need?
Swara- Dada is this' Fine Arts' studio?
Person- Yes mam
Swara(showing photo)- was this photo created by u?
Sweat started forming on that person's forehead.
Person- Mam no actua..lly u r mistake..n
Swara-I only want truth.U created this photo without the permission of the person in photo.
Person- Sorry mam actually a lady came and paid me 50 thousands for this so I can't deny.
Swara-so some money u were going to destroy someone's life.Now u will just do as I say.
Person-ok mam but plz don't tell police.I have my family plz
Swara-  That I will see.Now u listen....(muted)
Person-  but mam it's risky right.
Swara- That u don't worry I will take prior permission from police.I will send u the details.
Person- Ok mam.
Swara left from there.
Person- Such a dangerous lady.

Here in badi
Sanskar came to meet Swara but got surprised seeing the door locked.
Sanskar(thinks)- It's just 8:30 in morning where this Swara went
Sanskar called Swara but it was not getting connected.He got hell worried for her.
Here Swara had to go to hospital as her friend met with an accident.In hospital she had to keep her phone silent. After sometime she left and then saw her mobile. She got shocked seeing 55missed calls of Sanskar. She immediately called him
He picked her call at first ring
Sanskar-  Swara where the hell r u? I was so worried for u? (Hell angry)
Swara-  First u calm down.And I had an important work to be done so I left early.
Sanskar- And why were u not picking the call?
Swara- I kept it on silent as I went to hospital to visitmy friend .
Sanskar- Ok now do one thing come to my office. I have to give u your dress to be wore in party
Swara- Sanskar what is the need?
Sanskar- don't question just come.
Swara-  Ok. I m coming.
In sanskar's cabin
Sanskar was busy doing his work when someone knocked
Sanskar- Swara u no need to knock
Swara- Wow sanskar u guessed so right
Sanskar- Now stop praising me and take this( giving her a packet)  U have to wear this in party
Swara- Ok my highness ( bowing down)
Sanskar laughed seeing her Attics.
Suddenly someone knocked.
Sanskar- Come in
PA- Sir conference room is ready
Sanskar-Ok u can leave
PA leaves.

Sanskar-  Ok Swara u too leave. Bye.
Swara-  bye.
Both left the cabin.

Continued. ....

Bye take care guys..

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