Part 13

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Hi friends hope u enjoyed the previous part.
Before continuing I would like to tell u all that I won't end Ragini's character now as I have some other plans.

So let's continue

The scene starts with all guests leaving the party.
Swasan, Aman and Uttara bid bye to Mr John.

In Parking lot
They were standing near Sanskar's car.

Aman- Today I enjoyed a lot. The drama was awesome and Swara you were superb. What answer u gave to Ragini!

Uttara-Yes Aman bhai is right.U were mindblowing.

Sanskar- But jokes apart Swara thank u so much. U have removed a big black spot on u.

Swara- Sanskar there was no black spot on u. It was people's black tongue through which they spoke bad about u. And u forgot your own rule


Swara(playfully hitting his head)-In friendship no sorry and no thank u.

Sanskar(raising his hands)- My fault.From now onwards no sorry and no thank u.

Swara- Better.

Aman- Swara if your drama is over lets go.

Uttara- Bhabhi tomorrow I Will come to celebrate diwali.

Sanskar- Even me.Aman has to leave at afternoon so we can enjoy till then.Something is better than nothing.

Swara- Ok bye take care.

Swara and Aman left.After them Uttara and Sanskar left.

In mm

Sanskar and Uttara came.Seeing them coming all came to them.

Dp- Sanskar we r sorry for not trusting u.

Sanskar- It ok badepapa. It doesn't matter to me now.

Sujata-Ha sanskar plz forgive us for distrusting u.

Ram- Ha Sanskar I m sorry too.

Ap-Yes Sanskar I said so much bad to u plz forgive me.

Sanskar- Plz by asking forgiveness don't make me ashamed of myself. Its Ok.

Laksh- Bhai u forgave us then plz release Ragini from jail. Our family' s reputation is on stake.

Sujata- Ha Sanskar, Laksh is right. If u can forgive us then plz forgive her too.

Sanskar- Mom I said it doesn't matter to me because I don't consider u my family. Forgiveness is given to those who love us,care for us. U all have always used me for your own benefits but now don't expect the same Sanskar.

Laksh- Bhai we also don't need your help. Now only lawyer informed me that Ragini will get bail tomorrow morning itself.

Sujata-Thank god she will be released tomorrow.

Sanskar- Now happy leave us.

Uttara and Sanskar went.

Uttara-Bhai, Swara bhabhi's whole efforts got wasted.Tomorrow Ragini bhabhi will be released. What's the use ?

Sanskar- Uttara Swara didn't do it to punish ragini, she did this to prove me.

Uttara-  Ok if this is the case then fine. Good Night.

Sanskar- Good Night.

Both went to their respective rooms and slept.

Next day in badi.

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