Part 3

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Hi friends so let's continue
In hospital
After Sanskar went,Aman sat in waitng room,waiting for swara to get consious.
After sometime nurse informed that swara is awake.He immediately left to met her
In swara's room in hospital
Aman saw her staring at the ceiling. He got to know that she is broken.
Note:Swara knows him from long back and also considers him as her brother.
Swara saw him.She had lot of betrayal from her so called family except sanskar and uttara.She could not control seeing her brother. She immediately hugged him and started crying.Aman did not knew about Shomi's behavior towards swara so he thought she is crying because of sanskar.
She was all red due to crying.
Aman-Swara shona shant ho ha.(calm down swara shona)plz stop crying U r not well.
Swara-bhai why me.Why all betray me.Why??Bhai I m feeling to die.I don't want to live.
Aman-swara!! Are u mad.don't u think about others.Dare u speak again like this.And about sanskar u don't worry I will talk to him.How can he hand u divorce papers.
Swara-Bhai what are u saying?sanskar is not at fault.He did right.I m not angry on him.I m angry on myself for making sanskar suffer without any fault.I understood my mistake
Aman-Then y are u crying?who said u to accuse sanskar when u knew he was not wrong.
Swara-Bhai plz I will listen to your every scolding but plz not today.I m not in condition to hear u.Firstly ma has already shown my place in her heart.she hates me
Aman-hey shona what r u saying plz clear it.
Swara told him everything what her so called family told and accused her.While saying this fresh tears started to came in her eyes and on seeing her like this Aman took her in his embrace.His blood was boiling listening everything.
Aman- It's ok dear Now no crying.Your brother is there for u.
Swara nodded but kept on sobbing and later being tired drifted to sleep
Later Uttara called him to ask about swara and he informed her that she was fine but stressed out.
Later he also slept near her on couch.He was very worried one side his sister other side best friend both were suffering.
Next morning in mm at sanskar's room
Due to sun rays sanskar woke up.He heard knock on door. He opened and saw his sister standing there.Before he can ask anything she said
Uttara-swara bhabhi is fine and conscious.
Saying this she went away.
He knew she was angry but then to informed him about swara.she Knew he will be restless till he comes to know swara is fine.
He went and took bath and called Aman.he knew he must be angry as he talked rudely with him.Aman picked the call
Aman-yes SIR
Sanskar(with frown)-Aman yaar sorry for my rude behavior don't overreact plz
Aman-ok SIR
Aman-Then what I should call u idiot,mad yesterday toh u were ordering me like a boss and today changed the role to best friend. U toh shouted on Uttara too.ask sorry from her.or I will kill u for making my sisters (swara and uttara)cry.
Sanskar-  Are ruk ja mera bullet train.mere kano se khun ane laga tere bakwas sunkar.
Aman- leave all that r u fine
Sanskar-  yes I m.And. is..umm I.   mean swara
Aman-don't hesitate.I will not kill u For asking me about swara and ya she is fine she is getting discharge today.
Sanskar- take care
Aman- whose(teasingly)
Sanskar(pissed off)- yours and swara's
Aman(laughing) - Ok bye
Sanskar knew Aman did this only to make his mood and he was successful.
After sometime sujatha came
Sujatha-sanskar chore come for breakfast
Sanskar(unwillingly)-Yes mom coming
Downstairs while breakfast
Ragini tried show fake sympathy on sanskar
Ragini- Sanskar ji why didn't u come yesterday for dinner .Don't think about swara Think her as the passing cloud and forget her
Sanskar(bursting out)- just shut up.No need to show  your fake sympathy on me.and keep your so called cloud  concept with yourself.I m in no mood to insult you.
Sujatha-sanskar what she told is right.Stop thinking about that characterles....
Sanskar-Mom!!!!No word on Swara's character
Sujatha- For that girl u r shouting at your mother
Uttara-she is not that girl she is swara bhabhi and plz stop the topic mom if u want sanskar bhai and me to have breakfast
After sometime sanskar and other men left for office and uttara for college.
Continued. .
Bye Take care

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