Part 10

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Hi guys, sorry for late update.
So let's continue

In swara'room
Swara was sleeping peacefully. Her sleep was disturbed by the sunrays.She slowly opens her eyes.She remembers everything about yesterday and then smiles.
She went to check sanskar.Sanskar was sleeping cutely. Swara went near him and caressed his hair and then went to her room to get ready.
Swara came in hall after bath and then made breakfast.
Till now sanskar also woke up. He got confused seeing the surroundings and then realized he is in swara's house.He too freshened himself and went in hall.
He saw Swara arranging breakfast. He went near her
Swara-U came now have your breakfast.
Swara- Sanskar now also u r thinking about yesterday. Do u think my decision is wrong?
Sanskar- Are u mad? I m not thinking about that
Sanskar-Today I have meeting with my clients.What will they think about me?
Swara-Sanskar why r u thinking like that.U have not done anything then no need to be afraid.
Sanskar- I have to in mm to get my office stuffs.But I don't want to face them.Not atleast now
Swara-Sanskar who made u businessman? Call uttara and tell her to bring in office wait I will call till then u have your breakfast.
Sanskar - I know u didn't eat so u too have with me.
Swara-Ok fine.
She ate her breakfast and called uttara.
Swara- Good morning Uttara
Uttara- Google morning bhabhi.How is bhai?
Swara-He is absolutely fine and eating breakfast. Ok listen can u bring Sanskar's office stuff in badi.
Uttara- Ok bhabhi.bye.
Swara-Bye we r waiting.
Swara went near Sanskar
Swara-She is coming.
Sanskar got a call.It was from Aman.
Sanskar-Good morning Aman what's up
Aman- How can u hide this much from me.U didn't bothered to inform me.Nor u neither Swara.I m upset.
Sanskar-Sorry buddy.I was not in the state to inform u nor Swara.She was busy in handling me.May be forgot to inform u.Sorry
Amann- It's ok.By the way how r u both?
Sanskar- Now absolutely fine.And about Swara u ask her
He kept his phone on speaker
Aman- Hi Swara how r u?
Swara-Aman bhai I m fantastic. What about u? when r u coming?Plz come fast I m missing u so much.
Aman- Swara stop. How much do u talk.And I m fine.And about coming,my stay is extended for a 15 days.
Swara-What! U r so bad.Diwali is coming and u. Go don't talk with me.
Aman-Swara plz sorry na.I also don't want to wait but work comes first.plz
Sanskar- But why u have to wait? The trip was for 4 days.
Aman- Some signs are remaining on contract I have to wait.
Sanskar-ok but diwali is coming and u r not there.we would have done a lot of fun
Aman- I also want to enjoy but I m helpless.(to swara)Swara u say what u want. I will bring for u.
Swara- I don't want anything. U just come or don't talk to me.
Aman- Shona if u will not talk my whole day or say week will be spoiled. Will u like that?
Swara- Ok sorry I overreacted. But bring something for me to eat which is special there.
Aman-Ok bhukkad
Aman- Sorry sorry. Now bye I have many work
Sanskar-Bye and take care.
Aman- U too.Bye
The call ended.
Swara- So bad this year Aman bhai will be not there.Uttara and u will be in mm .I will be alone here.This year diwali is so bad infact this year is only bad.
Sanskar-Swara cool down.Nothing is bad.And I promise your this year diwali will be awesome
Swara- ya ya awesome only without anyone.
Sanskar-Swara u everytime say think positive.So u too do the same.
Swara-Hope so.
Uttara came in.
Uttara-Hi bhabhi
Swara-Uttara u came.Sit here.I will bring water for u.
Uttara-Ok bhabhi.Bhai this are your office things.
Sanskar- Thanks.How is the atmosphere in mm
Uttara- No change.As always ragini bhabhi is busy in brainwashing everyone. I sometimes feel ragini bhabhi should be mute for lifetime.
Swara came with glass of water and handed to uttara
Swara- No use uttara. She will use her not so intelligent brain there also.
Uttara-Ya u r right.
Sanskar - don't waste your energy in thinking about her.There r much more things to discuss.
Swara-And about ragini I m there to shut her mouth.She will receive a very good answer for what she has done yesterday.
Sanskar- what r u going to do?Don't do anything which will risk your life.Ragini is dangerous.
Swara- U don't worry.By the way hurry up u need to go to office
Sanskar- Oh I forgot.bye
Sanskar went
Uttara- bhabhi I m getting bored
Swara- same here uttara. Lets go for shopping.Diwali is also coming in two days.
Uttara-Great idea bhabhi .I also want to purchase some clothes and gifts for bhai. But I didn't take money from bhai.
Swara- Uttara don't be silly.U r like my sister.I don't mind spending money on my sister.I think u don't consider me do?( raising her eyebrows)
Uttara- No no bhabhi.U r like my sister.Chalo lets go.
Swara-  Wait I will get ready and come.
Swara got ready and went with Uttara.
Uttara and swara selected some dresses for themselves.Uttara was enjoying with her bhabhi because she went for shopping with her mom,badi mom and other mm ladies.They always restricted her and chose something typical for her which was not her choice. Whereas Swara gave her the freedom of selection and also suggested something new.They shopped dresses,accessories,etc.
In all both enjoyed a lot.

In Sanskar's office
Sanskar was busy in making his presentation when he remembered uttara forgot to bring a file which he needs urgently.He called uttara
Sanskar-  Hello uttara where r u?
Uttara-Bhai sorry I forgot to tell u I and bhabhi went to shopping after u left.
Sanskar-ok fine.
Uttara-Any problem bhai?
Sanskar- No no u enjoy , bye
Sanskar ended the call.
Sanskar(thinks)- What to do? Uttara is also not there. I only have to go.But how will I face them.Its ok as Swara said if we didn't do anything why to be scared?Chalo Sanskar it's now or never.
Sanskar left to mm.
In mm
As Sanskar entered Sujata saw him.She went towards him.Seeing this Sanskar felt happy.
Sujata-Sanskar what is this?Where were u? Now with which girl?
Sanskar's face fell.He formed his palm into fist and left without answering. Sanskar went to his room.Lone tear escaped his eyes. He was never use to of his mother's this behaviour.He felt hurt.
Sanskar-Sanskar don't think about them who curse u or make u weak, think about those who supported u.Don't waste your tears for such people.
Thinking  positive he left to office ignoring those disgusting glares.
In market
Swara and uttara now were selecting  some diyas, lantern and other decorative materials.
Swara- Uttara I m very hungry.All the rats in my stomach r running.Lets go and eat something.
Uttara-Ok bhabhi lets go.
Both ate in a restaurant and went home.
In badi
Swara and Uttara entered inside badi. They were going inside went saw ragini coming from Gadodia house.
Ragini- Ohh uttara where u went?(saw bags)  oh for shopping with Swara.  Wait Swara here is the money.I don't want any member of mm to borrow anything from u.
Ragini handed her money.
Swara- Ragini may be u r considering her your sister in law but for me she is my only sister. And for her u need not pay.I m much capable to do that.So keep those money with yourself.
Ragini fumed and left but something fell from her purse.Swara saw that and picked it up.She saw that carefully and thought
Swara- Now see ragini how I show u hell on earth.U have messed with a wrong person(smirks)
Later both went inside


Bye guys take care.

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