Part 4

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Hi guys
So let's continue
The scene starts with Aman helping swara to walk while they were leaving.Aman made swara sit in the passenger seat and made sure she is comfortable. He himself sat on driving seat and looked at swara.Now he was relived that she is not blank but thinking something.He asked
Aman-swara how r u feeling now?
Swara knew he isn't asking about health but her emotional pain
Swara-much better when I have so supportive bhai do I need to worry
Aman-of course not.
Though they were not blood related brother and sister but their heart connection made her to trust him
Aman-swara what have u decided?
Swara-I have not yet decided but for sure I will give divorce to sanskar.Its his demand and I will fulfill it.
Aman was shocked but preferred to keep quite as he knows swara will not take wrong decision.
They reached badi.
Aman helped swara to walk
Note:Shomi and shekhar forgive Dadi and she now again lives with them
Aman was about enter Gadodia house but swara stopped him.He looked confused but she assured him with eyes.
Swara with the support of wall went inside and saw shomi chopping vegetables.
Swara-Can u come outside.
Before shomi can asked anything swara went out near aman.She was not standing in middle of badi as she didn't wanted to create a scene but also she didn't want to enter gadodia house.Shomi came out a.d started firing question
Shomi- Where were u can u go missing.Your dadi was badmouthing me due to u.don't u care about my
Swara's hope rose when she asked where were u but collapsed when she started her reputation puran. Swara was feeling emotionally weak but she decided to be strong because she knew it is now or never
Swara(sarcastic) - yes ma I do care that's why I m not standing in middle of badi to create a scene like dadi
Shomi-swara!!is this a way u talk to your Dadi . GI've her respect.
Swara- Ma first of all she is not my Dadi and secondly according to me her doing don't allow me to give her respect
Shomi-swara u r so rude.and y did u call me hear and talking to me rudely in front of a stranger
Swara's blood boil when shomi called aman a stranger
Swara-Ma! !Aman bhai is not a stranger bit my bhai and second thing I came here to ask about the keys of dida's house.
Shomi-why do u want the keys.Does anyone want for rent
Swara-no I will leave there and before U can ask dida has already made the house on my name so it's my right
Shomi-what nonsense! Swara why r u behaving so selfish .I m your mother. Plz behave yourself
Swara-Mother!  Seriously which mother thinks her own daughter as a curse.So plz don't waste my time. Give those keys to me.
Shomi went speechless and went inside to bring keys
Dadi till now was a silent spectator to the drama spoke
Dadi-A bengalan tune thare asli rang dikha hi diye (A bengalan u shown your true colours)
Swara completely ignored her and meanwhile shomi came with keys and handed to swara.
Swara with Aman went to Bose house and opened the door. They got inside closed the door
Aman who was shocked till now came to senses and started jumping. Swara looked at him weirdly
Swara-Bhai r u fine
Aman(rotating her)- shona u rocked What a step.mindblowing
Swara smiled seeing his excitement
Swara(holding her head)- Bhai I m feeling giddy stop
Aman stopped rotating her and asked
Aman- leave all that on serious note when did u think all this
Swara-When u were laughing and making sanskar laugh on call.
Aman-Oh!! Wait you were awake
Swara-yes and bhai this is the step towards becoming SWARA BOSE
Aman got confused.Seeing him like this she answered
Swara-Bhai the one u r seeing now is swara maheshwari and gadodia who always acts selfless and forgives every one who does bad to her,always gets fooled with fake emotions but SWARA BOSE was different. She was selfish.She always cared for the one who care for her.She shows hell to the person who messes with her.And I want to become swara Bose again for my sanskar.
Aman was looking at her with love,care and proud
Aman-Swara I m feeling so proud of u.U r changing yourself for Sanskar.
Swara-that's there reason I want divorce from sanskar.I want Sanskar to again fall in love with the bold swara.I know now also he loves me but his ego is big problem but don't worry your shona will melt his ego and join the broken heart again.
She said the last line with utter determination.The worry he had for his sister and best friend vanished.
She was damn sure swara will mend his broken heart.Now his work was just to support his sister and act as cupid in the love story.
Aman-In your this mission your bhai is at your side
Swara hugged him and Aman caressed her hair
Other side Sanskar was in dilemma whether to submit divorce papers or not.He called Aman to clear the confusion. He knew Aman will be against submitting the papers in court but then too
Aman picked the call
Aman-what happened bro?why u called
Sanskar-Aman can u come her I want some suggestions from u
Listening the seriousness of his voice he agreed.
Aman-ok I m coming
In Bose house
Aman told swara about sanskar's call. she told hI'm to go and not to tell him her decision.
Aman-Why swara?Sanskar will be more happy.
Swara-Bhai will you like to hear description about your favorite food or directly eat it
Aman(confused)- Obviously eat it
Swara-Then I also want to show my change directly Aman-oh wow! You r great (joining hands)bye take care and take care. dare u work.
Swara- ok I will and bye
In sanskar cabin
Aman entered and saw sanskar engrossed in some thoughts.Aman being a naughty fellow took a bunch of file and threw on ground.Sanskar jerked suddenly due to loud noise and looked at Aman and sighed.He knew his friend's naughty tricks.
Sanskar-welcome Aman.Why do u always find me for your pranks.
Aman- Tere pe nahi karunga toh aur kispe karunga meri Jaan.Leave all that why did u call me
Sanskar-I m confused.Should I submit the divorce papers or not
Aman-And what made u doubt your decision
Sanskar-Don't know but this is not my answer
Aman-Ok submit it
Sanskar got shocked.why not yesterday he was shouting not to submit and today suddenly changed. It was unexpected.
Aman-what!why r u staring me like this.I know this was unexpected but don't force yourself in this relation. If you and swara are destined together you will meet by hook or crook.If you don't submit your will always keep on hesitating.Submit it and shake it off.
Hearing Aman sanskar got courage. He hugged him and said
Sanskar-that's why I consider u my best friend.Thank u bye
Later Sanskar went to the court and submitted the papers.He actually felt light.
Here Aman Informed swara about the papers.A lone tear escaped her eyes but she wiped off with determination.

Continued. .....

Bye take care

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