Chapter 6: The Mission

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I just stood there gawking at them.
"I thought you'd be glad we are doing this Alexa, they killed your parents after all" said Chief Williams.
"W, What's in it for me?" I replied with a shaky voice that was going to break any second.

"You are to go undercover into their mafia, you'll start of as a servant of theirs but you'll make your way up until you're in their inner circle. You are to seduce Hunter. When the time is right and we will have sufficient information on them, we'll strike and take them down!" Explained Chief Williams.

My head was getting overwhelmed. The room got super hot and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I bended forward gasping for air.

"Alexa! Are you alright" shouted Mickey but his voice sounded muffled and distant. My legs got all weak and wobbly. I tried to lean against the table but before I knew it, I collapsed on the floor...

Someone was calling my name.. I slightly opened my eyes and saw Mickey and Williams. My head was still sore. I was lying in the police medical room.
"What happened?" I said
"You collapsed, probably because of shock and exhaustion" replied Williams.
"And you got quite a gash from falling"
I touched my head and got a sharp pain in my head, I grimaced.
"Maybe don't touch that.." said Mickey
"Okay back to the mission!" I said annoyed.
"Actually can I have a word with Alexa alone Chief?"
"Go ahead"
Chief Williams left the medical room.
I lifted my eyebrow at Mickey "Yes?"
"Do you want to do this mission?! It's really dangerous and I understand that you don't want to see Hunter-"
"Hey, I've been waiting 20 years for revenge! Nothing is going to get in the way of this" I replied harshly, feeling much braver than before.

I had so much anger built up inside of me for 20 years. I wanted every one of those members dead including Hunter! I wanted to kill the boss- Igor myself!
Mickey distracted me from my thoughts.
"Alexa, please don't do this, going into a mafia's inner circle is extremely dangerous, you could get kill-"
I held up my finger.
"I'm doing it, end of story, they need to pay the price!"
I got up from the bed and walked out the door, slamming it behind me, I didn't care what Mickey said.

I went to search for Chief Williams to give him the verdict. I burst through his office doors.
"I'm doing it!" I called out gladly.
He smiled at me proudly and waved me over. He handed me a small, light file on Wild Lions.
"There sure isn't much information on them, is there?" I chuckled lightly and Williams joined in.
When we calmed down I asked him "So how is this going to work, how am I supposed to get a servant job in his...mafia?"
"Well you could start of by meeting with him like for coffee"
"I do not like the sound of this..."
"Get him to tell you about his job, tell him your into this sort of stuff. And just ask him to employ you"
"You make that sound easy..." I replied gulping. He's no easy man... I was in no mood to see Hunter!
"Well you got him into bed with you, I'm sure you can get a job and-"

Williams was about to continue when the door opened. Mickey was standing by the door frame looking worried. Not again I thought!
"Sir please don't let her do this alone! It's too dangerous for her."
Mickey was genuinely worried for me. Im guessing he didn't want to lose me just like he lost his daughter 22 years ago. There were tears in his eyes which I hardly see, this was paining him..
"Well of course I'm not letting her go alone" scoffed Chief Williams as if Mickey just asked the dumbest question ever.
"Thank god!" Said Mickey and he let out a sigh of relief.

I quickly turned my head around to look at Williams, was he serious! Does he want me to partner with someone!

"Sir, I always work alone and I prefer to keep it that way"
"Alexa, you will be stepping into dangerous territory, you need backup. You need someone who if trained for this."
Well that's just great I thought. I have always hated working with other people. It's hard to cooperate and you won't be able to do anything you want!

"Don't worry, he's just going to be in the inside your earpiece"
"It's a..he"
"Is that okay?"
NO it was not okay! I don't work well with boys and they distract me from my missions!
"Anyway, do you have any contact information to reach Hunter?"
I nodded. I had his phone number which he gave me.
"Shall I call him now?"
"Go ahead, I want to hear this" Said Chief Williams. No you doesn't, I replied in my head.

I took out my phone and dialled his number. Man I did not want to do this. After a few seconds he answered, I almost had another panic attack!

"Hey Alexa!" He said in his sexy voice, purposely emphasising my name.
Okay focus Alexa I said in my mind. FOCUS.
"H, hey Hunter, I was em wondering if err"
I looked up and Mickey and Williams. Mickey mouthed at me to hang up while Williams mouthed me to go ahead, well they're totally good help!

"You were wondering what?" Said Hunter.
"If you want to grab coffee" Those 8 words were horrible to say! I almost gaged at the prospect of getting coffee with him!
"Yeah sure, but why? You ran away from me remember?"
"I will explain later, I'll see you at 4 in Cafe Loure!"
I quickly hung up. How am I supposed to face him when I do the mission. Well if I want to get my revenge, I don't have much of a choice.
Williams gave me a thumbs up and looked at his phone. Seriously I thought to myself, I have a crisis here!

I rolled my eyes. "Well I should go get ready for"
"Wait hold on, there's someone I'd like you to meet!" Said Williams.
It was almost 2, I didn't have time for this! We stood up and walked out his office, all the way outside the police station.

I looked around the parking lot and saw a tall figure approaching us. As he got closer I saw a good looking tall man with dirty blond hair, stunning blue eyes and he was in good shape. He was wearing ripped jeans and a gorgeous black leather jacket over a white shirt that looked so good on him! Ughh I don't need any more good looking people to distract me!

He stood in front of me and Williams, smiling sheepishly.
"Alexa meet Kai Jackson, your partner!"

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