Isabella looked at me with cute beady eyes and a smile, she looked like the kindest human being on earth, yet she meant bad.
"Excuse you. What gives you the right to talk to me like that?"
She took a step towards me, with her smile now faded. "So you think that now you're with Hunter, you have power... What have you even done? Nothing. You beat up his ex" she gestured her hand at Hunter. "And you started a fucking gang war.""Isabella, stop. It's not her fault. She may be innocent but-"
Was he serious?! I abruptly turned to face Hunter and glared. "I can speak for myself!"
"Do I dare say, there's... trouble in paradise." She put on a shocked face and pouted her lips, mocking me.My urge to slap her, bring her off her throne was accelerating, but I couldn't make a scene in front of the couple of people around us.
"Shut up you bitch. You have no idea what I'm capable of, so don't assume shit!"
She slowly blinked and opened her eyes up wide. "Chill out seriously, I just tried to see if you're worth it."
"Worth it for what?!"
"To be in with us, I heard a lot about you annoyingly, it seems my intuition about you was correct!" She let out a chuckle.Inside, I was raging. The lovely atmosphere had passed. The warm heat that was once on my skin was replaced by a cold chill. This woman made my hairs stand up and I wanted to prove her wrong. I was tired of everyone ruling my life!
I looked around - ignoring Hunter's confused face - there were hardly any people, and luckily no children and police. They wouldn't want to see this.
"Alexa? You don't need to do-" started Hunter.
I put my finger to my lips. He stopped.
I marched away from my companions slightly strutting with my head held high to show confidence and hide the soon to be guilty feeling.I approached a high end jewellery store located on the opposite side of the market. I put my face to the glass with my hands cupped to the sides to stop the glare of the setting sun. No one was inside. I looked around my surroundings, Hunter was standing a few steps closer to me than he was before, his arms crossed and he looked interested with his eyebrows furrowed. Isabella looked amused.
I spotted a fist sized rock lying not far away, I went to grab it while I still had my confidence. I could still sense them staring at me as I walked back to the window, slightly shaking. Mickey would kill me if he found out which he would if I would get caught, I checked for cameras and saw only two on the inside. I bent my head down to preserve my anonymity and shifted the rock from hand to hand until I finally sucked it up and swung my arm back and then front, releasing my grasp on the rock.
It seemed to fly in slow motion, making the moment all more horrible. It hit the window with great impact, shattering all the glass in its path before landing violently on the desk.
"Fuckin hell! Alexa!" Shouted Hunter, but I could barely hear his voice, it was blocked out by the blaring alarm that was set off. I took a second to admire the way the glass separated beautifully by cracks - it reminded me of a spider web - and the way it fell onto the ground. I was focused on the memories flooding my mind, the memories of my days at Coltelli. We often did this stuff when we were in robberies. But I wasn't going to take anything, I already proved my point. I just hoped the shop was insured.
As I had prepared myself to leave, Hunter laced his finger around mine taking me by surprise.
"Let's go, before the you and the police have a chat." Haha... I laughed to myself. I am the police. Wait... Up until this moment I had completely forgotten about my mission. I was so overwhelmed with Hunter that I forgot...My mind was now fully awake and I began to fast walk away, letting go of Hunter's hand and taking in deep breaths to calm down. Unfortunately little miss Thorn ran over to me. "Didn't expect you to actually do it, still it's a bit of a let down that you didn't take anything."
"I don't give a damn."
"Still you could-"
"Get a hint, stupid, leave me alone."She clenched her teeth and thankfully spun around and began to walk away, not before blowing Hunter a kiss, which I caught her do. He caught it and winked at her, saying goodbye. Hunter didn't seem any bit shocked or dazed, he was used to all of this...
We got into his car without speaking, I didn't feel like it and I think Hunter could see that. After buckling my belt, I tried pulling my dress over my thighs. I could see him peering at me through the corner of his eyes as he started up the car.
"Oh there's no need for that."
He placed his hand on my thigh, showing me that it was okay, it didn't feel okay to me. I leaned against the window to create as much space between us as I could, and he got the hint, taking his hand off."I suppose you're not in the mood anymore?" He asked as we entered the hotel room.
"Mood for what?" I glumly replied.
He cupped my face and pressed me to the door. "Im sorry..."
I knew what he meant now. Whilst I was still upset with him, I had such a longing for him. I closed my eyes to think and focus on my breathing before I pass out from his presence and fire. I thought 'if we did this, I was sure I would fall in love with him, if I hadn't already...'As if to answer my question, his arms wrap around me pulling me in, connecting our bodies like magnets. I didn't wait for him to take the next step. I began to kiss him. I kissed him harder and more passionately that I had kissed anyone. I already made many bad decisions today, I could make another one.
His hand quickly traveled to my hair, pulling it slightly as he kissed me back. Hard, tongue and all.He was intoxicating me, I was the addict and he was my drug. It was like our bodies were made for this, for each other. It was our fate to fall for one another. I couldn't tell who's heart beat faster, we were together in rhythm.
He stopped for a second leaning his forehead against mine to catch his breath. With a smile afterwards, he lifts me up off my feet and brings me to his room. He drops me gracefully on the soft mattress, giving me a moment to look into his hungry eyes, before he pounces.
Like a real lion, he rips off my red dress, throwing it across the room. That dress wasn't needed. He begins to kiss every inch of me, from my lips to my chest and to below. Before I knew it, my underwear was yanked off and so was his. Our bodies were now completely immersed together and nothing could separate us. My back arched up, wanting more and more of him. A moan escapes from my mouth and he smiles.
Butterflies aggressively attacked me, but I loved it, I loved everything about it, about him...
The last time we did this, we were drunk, but this time, it was real and we savoured every sweet hot second...

Desire or Revenge (Cancelled)
Любовные романыEver since your parents died you've been hungry for revenge, joining a secret police spy agency and working hard to stop the gang that killed your parents. But what if you fall in love ? With 2 guys... A spy mate and the son of a mafia boss have cau...