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My fingers grasped the handle to the front door, gently opening it. I looked back up at the stairs and held my breath, as my parents could hear me at any second if I made the slightest noise. I slid through the opening I allowed and gasped for fresh, crisp September air.
I quickly walked down the steps and onto the sidewalk. I walked fast towards the boys' house and wrapped my jacket tighter around myself. It was around eleven at night so the crickets were making their delightful musical chirps.
As I kept walking, I could see their house creeping up at each step I took. Most of the memories I had were from that house. Every holiday was spent there, hanging out with the boys. It was more of a home to me than my actual house.
I approached the house and could hear the thumping of instruments ricocheting off the walls. I climbed up the steps, skipping every two. I brought my hand up to the door and I almost knocked but stopped myself. It had been almost three months since I had last been here as my parents didn't want me to be there because of the ' boys' love of rock music '.
I pressed my knuckles against the door, creating a loud thump. I let out a breath but the butterflies in mya stomach were still fluttering. I heard the instruments stop from inside of the house and I could hear footsteps coming towards the door. The door gently opened and there was... Jake.
He was wearing a striped shirt with a couple buttons undone as I could see the necklace hanging on his chest. He had on a pair of black jeans, as he always does along with a pair of brown boots. His hair had grown since I had last seen him as it had now reached his shoulders. He was still so, so beautiful.
Jake's eyes widened as he realized it was me who had knocked. His mouth opened, not once but twice. I knew it probably wasn't a good idea to come as he looked as if he didn't realize what to say to me. I couldn't blame him as I hadn't talked to him in a while.
" Bab- I mean, Alicia, " He stuttered. " W- what are you doing here?" As he said this, he closed the door behind him, stepping out onto the porch.
" I just wanted to see you," I said, but realized what I had just said. I coughed. " and the boys ". That was a close one. I did not want Jake to find out about how I liked him, not yet anyway.
He didn't answer but stepped closer to me. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back, a genuine smile. He brought me into his arms. I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of being here. I had always felt safest and calm with Jake.
" Do you want to go for a drive?" he asked. I smiled at him and nodded. We had always done that, every day. When Jake first got his license, we immediately went driving with no place in mind. It just became a reoccurring thing for us.
" Okay. Let me go get my keys, wallet, and jacket and we'll head out." I nodded at him and smiled. He smiled back and said " I am so happy right now. You have no idea " as he let out a giggle.
My breath caught in my throat as I realized how beautiful this man was and how much I loved him.
We had driven for about an hour and finally had reached the destination. It was a place we would go where you could see the sunrise early in the morning. We would wake up at three every morning and no matter how tired we were, we would just come out here and watch.
John Denver was playing on the radio as Jake put the car in park. I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the door to go sit on the hood of the car. I giggled at how happy I was at the moment. Jake came out of the car after me and sat right next to me on the hood.
It was still to early for the sun to rise but we would wait, no matter how long it took. I could hear the hum of John Denver from the inside of the car and I hummed along to it. I looked at Jake but he was already looking back at me. He let out a small laugh and shook his head. His laugh was so beautiful.
He stopped laughing though and looked at me seriously. I knew he wanted me to say what had been going on with me and why I hadn't come over in so long. I felt so bad and guilty for what I did to him.
I started explaining why I had not seen him in so long. I started with my parents and went on from there. I told him how sorry I was.
" You have nothing to be sorry about. It isn't your fault," He said, wiping the tear from my cheek with his thumb. I didn't even realize I had started to cry.
I must have talked to him for a couple hours because I was starting to see the sky changing into reds and oranges. I smiled as the memories came back to me of coming here all the time. I missed it and I missed Jake a lot.
He gently grabbed my chin to face him. He placed a piece of hair behind my ear as nerves overcame my body. What was going on? Was Jake going to kiss me? No, he wouldn't do that.
" I love you," He whispered. It was so soft I thought I misheard him but I knew I didn't. Our lips were getting closer and closer. I wanted to kiss him so much.
" I love you, Jake " I replied back. He smiled and gently put his lips to mine. I smiled back into the kiss as I had always wanted this. As we kissed, we had missed the sunrise but I could've cared less at the moment.
i don't think this is that good haha. what do you guys think of it??
and thank you so much for reading this. it means so much to me, you have no idea. also this was requested by xbrixanna so i hoped you liked it haha!
here is a gif of jake from tumblr to match the story haha
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