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- gwyn was rushing through the gates of the concert as she was late to see crosby, stills, nash & young. the show had started twenty minutes ago but she had been stuck in traffic. she was running through the venue, almost falling over her feet several times. she finally got to the gate and showed the worker her ticket.
the worker pointed to the area where her seat was and gwyn immediately skipped down to the area. she was out of breath (and it wasn't even from her running so far) because of how she could see one of her favorite bands in front of her own two eyes. she honestly couldn't believe it.
she sat down in her seat, silently watching the performance in awe. she was so happy that she thought this had to be the best day of her life. nothing could top this. many songs went by with gwyn singing along but before she knew it, they were on the last song and it was one of her favorites. suite: judy blue eyes.
she rushed up from her seat and started clapping when she heard the opening riff. out of the corner of her eye, she could see the guy that was next to her stand up as well. she figured this was probably one of his favorites too.
" is this your favorite?" a voice whispered in her ear. she turned towards it to be met with large brown eyes. she blushed to see the proximity of her between the man and her. they were very close and gwyn didn't seem to mind.
the man had long brown wavy hair that went a ways past his shoulders. he wore a brown jacket with a blue shirt underneath it along with a pair of blue jeans and brown boots. the outfit fit him really well, gwyn thought.
" oh yeah! it's one of my favorites actually! " she replied smiling, but also looking back towards the stage.
" mine too " the man smiled, with a twinkle in his eye. gwyn felt her cheeks get warm once again. she was surprised at how much this man had already made her blush from just meeting.
the two glanced at each other throughout the song until the end of the concert. butterflies would enter gwyn's stomach everytime they met each other's eyes. gwyn was about to leave her seat to head home when an arm reached out.
" this may be weird but would you want to go grab some coffee? " the man asked, looking nervously as he did so. gwyn was a little bit taken aback but she knew she wanted to still be in his company.
" yeah! that would be wonderful " she nodded, smiling as she did so. qwyn concluded that, yes, this was the best night of her life.
this was requested by deakysdicso !! i hope you liked it!