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The two had been sitting on the couch for hours now. Sam had finally had a day off from tour and hopped on a plane to come and see Arabella. They hadn't seen each other in months, just phone calls and facetime. They both felt a weight had been lifted off their shoulders when Arabella opened the door and the two made eye contact.
Sam hadn't let his arms leave around Arabella's body since they had placed themselves on the couch. He didn't want to miss anything and he didn't want her to disappear from him. Arabella felt the same. She didn't want Sam's arm to leave her as she felt so much comfort when she was with him.
The end of Dazed and Confused was in their peripheral vision as the two could not stop smiling at each other. Sam leaned in closer to Arabella and placed his hand against her cheek. He pressed his lips against hers, a sigh coming from his lip. She kissed him back. She had missed him so much.
Arabella was the first to pull away. She smiled and got up from the couch, a pout formed on Sam's lips.
" Sam. Don't give me that look. It's worked many, many times before but it's not gonna work on me again, " Arabella smiled at him, placing the DVD back into its case.
" Oh. Is that right?" Sam smirked at her, rising from the couch. He walked closer to her. He towered over her, leaning down to press his lips against hers once again. It was a short kiss and he then wrapped his arms around her.
They stood there for a while, enjoying being in each other's arms. They both couldn't believe how long they had waited to see each other again. It felt like an eternity.
" I am gonna pop some popcorn. You can pick a movie, " Arabella said, moving her way towards the kitchen. She went into the cupboard and got the bag. She then placed it into the microwave and waited. Sam was flipping through all the movies they had picked from Arabella's room. He finally picked the perfect one and smiled, knowing Arabella loved the movie with a burning passion.
Arabella came back into the living room with a bowl of popcorn and placed herself on the couch. Sam was placing the movie into the DVD player. He rushed over to her side, grabbing a fistful of popcorn and shoving it into his mouth. Arabella giggled and threw a piece of popcorn at him.
The menu popped up for the movie and Arabella's eyes widened. She hurriedly looked at Sam and let out a precious laugh. She threw herself into Sam's arms, almost having a tear roll down her cheek at how happy she was.
She laid down next to Sam, her head on his chest. He grabbed the remote from the table and pressed play. The beginning of Psycho began to play and Arabella became giddy. She had loved this movie all her life and she was so happy Sam had remembered.
The two laid there the whole night and the next day, only having to get up when they needed to.
i am so sorry this was so short! i just wanted to post something real quick but i am going to post another one sometime this week so look out for that!
also, thank you all so much for reading this! it really means a lot to me and i love you all!