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— THE GIRL WALKED into the small theater, smiling to herself at the familiar sight. she went to the theater almost every single weekend, considering they were known for playing old classic movies, which summer loved. she was one of the only young people to venture into the theater, the rest being older couples that wanted to reminisce their younger days.
the only other younger person that would step foot into the theater was the young man that worked there. summer had seen the boy almost every single time she came in there and she believed that he was the only person that actually worked there. she had only learned his name from the name tag on his shirt. josh.
" summer! guessing you are here to see apocalypse now? a classic " the boy spoke, already punching it into the computer before the girl could even answer.
" you know me so well " she grinned. with the roll of her eyes, she took the money out of her pocket and handed it to him.
their fingers brushed against each other as he grabbed the money from her hand, sending a shiver down her spine. a blush rose to her cheeks and she looked down towards the counter so he wouldn't notice.
" here you go " he spoke softly, handing her the ticket for the movie. she took the ticket from him, careful to avoid them touching again and turning her into a blushing mess. she would never admit it but she started to take a liking to the boy.
as she turned towards the doors to where the movie was showing, josh yelled ' wait ' from behind her. she turned back towards him with a smile etched onto her face.
" yeah? " she asked.
" i-i was just wondering if you were coming next weekend since we are showing the wrecking crew " he said, almost nervously, scratching the back of his head as he spoke.
" oh yeah. for sure. sharon tate is one of my favorite actresses, so. she is why i want to become an actress " the girl said, with hope glimmering from her eyes.
" you want to become an actress? " the boy asked, surprise laced across his face.
" yeah, i mean, it might be a stupid dream but movies are the only thing that i really have a passion for " she said. a blush crept across her face, once again, just because of the way the boy was staring at her.
" that's not a stupid dream. not at all " he said with sincerity, grabbing onto her hand and giving it a squeeze of reassurance. she smiled at him and nodded, understanding what he was trying to say without even speaking.
" i don't know if you know this but i actually make short films and i actual need an actress at the moment " he said, grinning at the way her face immediately lit up and surprise glistened across her whole entire face.
" seriously? you want me to be in your short film? " she asked, not knowing if he was joking with her or not. he smiled at her and nodded, confirming that he wanted her to be in the short film. she squealed with excitement and hugged him from across the counter.
the two stood at the counter of the movie theater, talking for so long about the short film that the movie was long over before they even ended the conversation.
this was requested by @danncingqueenn !!
i apologize for not updating in so so long and i also apologize for this being so short but i promise i am gonna try to update this more often. thank you for reading and voting on this story !! i actually can't believe that so many of you have read this. it means a lot to me so thank you again !!