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Bridget slowly opened the front door, careful as to not wake up anybody in the home. She wiped her shoes off on the mat as it had been snowing for the last three days. She slipped her shoes off and placed her keys on the table next to her. She glanced at the clock, seeing that it was almost two in the morning. She groaned softly. The new job she had gotten was really kicking her ass.
She walked through the living room, to get to the kitchen. Soft shadows from the darkness outside were displayed on her face and in the house around her. She opened the fridge, grabbing a bottled water. She popped the cap off and took a sip, the cool liquid rushing down her throat. She placed the cap back on, placed it on the counter and headed out of the kitchen and went upstairs.
She walked down the hallway, rooms on either side of her. As she was walking past the first room on her left, she could hear a slight whirring noise. She glanced into the room to see Jake on his bed playing his guitar. He looked up at her and smiled. She smiled back at him and grabbed the handle to the door to close it.
The first door on the right was already closed, so Bridget figured Danny must have already gone to bed. She passed by the second door on the right which was also closed but she could hear music playing. She smiled as Sam had always fallen asleep with his record player playing.
She went to the second door on the left, considering that was her room. She opened the door since it was closed and got some clothes out of her dresser to change into. She looked at the posters on the walls as she changed. There was The Who, Black Sabbath and some David Bowie. She had collected posters and vinyls since she was very young and it was all because of the boys.
She had met them sometime in middle school and they all instantly became friends. They shared their love of music with her and she became in love with it too. She couldn't even imagine her life without it and them.
She finished putting on The Doors t-shirt and opened the door again. She went out into the hallway and tiptoed to the last door. She knocked against it twice and opened the door. As she walked in, she felt a crunch when she stepped in. She looked down to see pieces of paper bunched up and spread across the room. Josh had his back turned and she could see the pencil running back and forth across the paper.
She picked up all the paper from the floor and placed it into a bag. She sat on Josh's bed, with her legs crisscrossed. She looked at him. He was a very beautiful boy. His hair was very curly but shorter as he had just gotten it cut. His eyebrows were furrowed and his plump lip was in between his teeth as he was concentrating on what he was writing.
" I can feel your eyes staring, " He whispered, continuing to write though. She blushed and looked down at her hands. She had known Josh for so long but he still had this overwhelming effect on her. She didn't answer back to him but got up from his bed and went over to him.
" What are you writing? " She asked, trying to glance over his shoulder at his paper. He grabbed the paper fast and quickly put it into the desk drawer. She was taken aback considering he didn't hide things from her.
" It's nothing, " He said, rising up from the seat and going over to his bed. He looked stressed and tired. She had rarely seen him like this. A thought came to her mind quickly but she didn't know if she should do it or not.
Her eyes glanced over at Josh and then to the drawer. He could already sense what she was about to do but before he could stop her, she was already opening the drawer and taking out the paper. He quickly got off the bed and tried to grab it from her but she held on to it tightly.
He could see her eyes darting back and forth over the paper, reading and taking in the words on it. She glanced up at him, with tears brimming her eyes. He looked down at her terrified. He didn't know what she could possibly say.
" It's really beautiful, Josh. It's the probably the best you have written so far, " She smiled, placing the paper back into his hands, wiped the tears from her eyes and sat on the bed. He let out a breath at her words. He thought she was going to be upset with him and angry at him considering what the song was about. Then, like a light bulb went off in his head, maybe she didn't realize the song was about her.
He placed the paper back into the drawer and sat next to her on the bed. She placed her hand on his arm, rubbing back and forth. He could feel the warmth coming from her hand and it made him feel warm inside. He put his head on top of hers and let out a sigh. The two sat there for a while, and as Josh was starting to doze off, he heard Bridget whisper something.
" I know the song is about me. "
i hope you all liked this one shot! thank you all so much for reading this book! it means so much to me. i love you all so much!