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Lucy awoke to a loud band coming from the front of the bus, laughter following it. She wiped the sleep from her eyes and looked at the clock next to her. 1:00 a.m. She fell asleep around 7:45 p.m. as she hadn't got much sleep the night before because of the boys' schedule.
She pushed back the curtain and placed her feet on the cold wooden floor, a shiver running up her spine as she had just been in her warm comfortable bed. She walked to the living room area of the bus to be met with all four boys lounging around and laughing. Jake looked up from his guitar, that he was currently playing on, and sent a smile her way. She smiled back at him and walked towards him.
She sat down next to Jake, placing her head on his shoulder as she listened to his fingers move across the guitar. Lucy was always surprised at the talent that just seemed to flow from Jake. She always loved these moments. After the boys came off from stage, they would be extra happy about everything, it seemed like. It always made her so happy to see them like that.
She looked over at Josh, seeing him with a bottle of beer in his hands and his head was thrown back, a laugh escaping his lips. Sammy nudged Danny about a joke he had just said, a giggle came from him even though he tried to contain it. This made Danny laugh. Now, the whole room seemed to be in fits of laughter and they all were high off the energy in the room. They wouldn't have it any other way, though.
Lucy sat up and walked over to the records she had brought with her. She flipped through them, finally coming across her favorite. She grabbed it from the stack and placed it on the record player. The beginning of Tiny Dancer began to fill the room and all the boys started an uproar of cheers.
All four boys stepped up from the couch and started dancing across the room. Josh, Danny and Sam all giggling at each other's terrible dance moves. Jake set his guitar into his case and walked over to Lucy, taking his hand in hers. He wrapped his hands around her waist and she put her hands around his neck so now they were chest to chest. They both slightly swayed to the song, just enjoying each other's presence.
All the sudden, the chorus of Tiny Dancer came through the speakers and they all started singing at the top of their lungs. The five of them laughed and laughed, so giddy with excitement. They didn't want this night to end at all. It was just too amazing for it to end.
The end of the song trailed up on them, creating a almost gloomy mood on the three boys. So, Josh, Sam and Danny sat back down on the couch. The three boys started laughing again at the stories told from the concert. This night was amazing for them and they couldn't believe it.
As the last note was beginning to fade, Jake knelt down to Lucy's ear. His breath tickled her ear and goosebumps arose on her arms. " I love you, Lucy," Jake whispered in her ear. Lucy looked at him, eyes filled with happiness. She placed a kiss in his lips and he kissed her back, knowing just from that that she loved him, maybe even more than he loved her.
i hope you all liked this one shot and again, sorry it's short. i really liked writing this and also i tried to kinda make it like the scene in 'almost famous' when they all sing along to 'tiny dancer'.
also, thank you all for reading this! it means so much to me!