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The two stepped into the house, immediately hit with the smell of vomit, drugs and alcohol. Josh had talked about a party that many famous musicians were going to be at and Caroline set her mind on going. Now, Caroline was confused. She never realized this is what a rock and roll party was. She had just wanted to see and maybe talk to her favorite musicians, if she could even muster up the courage to, and dance the night away with Josh.
Josh could sense Caroline was now nervous to head further into the house. So, he grabbed her hand and led her to the living room, which was the area where everyone was dancing. Caroline was surprised that Josh knew his way around the house. The more she thought about it, she didn't even realize whose house this was.
As they were walking towards the living room, Caroline looked around and saw many familiar faces that she saw in her magazines or sometimes on TV. She tried to not let the giddiness show that she was experiencing. She just couldn't even believe that she was in the same room as some of these people.
She noticed how the house was extremely large, though. It seemed like they had walked forever just to get to the living room. Caroline couldn't see much of the rest of the house as the blur of people were blocking the view. She wanted to look around the house later on, as she had never seen a house like this before.
Caroline and Josh has finally found the living room. The sound of The Beatles coming from the speakers could barely be heard from all the giggles and laughs coming from everybody. The two pushed their way into the crowd, glares and annoying remarks coming from people as they moved forward. The two finally found a small spot that they could dance in.
Josh was hypnotized at the way Caroline moved whenever she heard music. She would hear a song and just immediately start swaying to the song. Her eyes would shut close and a big grin would form on her face. It was fantastic to witness. Caroline thought the same about Josh. The way his hair would bounce and he would mouth along to the lyrics of a song would make her all warm inside.
The two danced for a while. Just enjoying each other's company but surprisingly, they were enjoying all the people around them too. Josh came close to Caroline's ear, sending a shiver up her spine. " I am going to get a water. You head outside, by the pool, and I will meet you out there, " Josh yelled, pointing his index finger to the door that led outside. She sent a smile his way as he walked off.
Caroline swam her way around all the people until she finally reached the screen door to the outside. She slid the door open and was hit with the fresh air. She didn't realize how used to the smell of the house she had gotten to already. She walked to a chair that was directly by the pool. She sat down in it, looking around but seeing only a couple people out here.
A tap on her shoulder made her almost jump from her seat. " Sorry, " The man giggled. " I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to ask you a question, if you don't mind. " The man seemed tall and he had very long, straight hair. It looked like he was wearing an expensive suit but Caroline could not tell where it was from as she never had shopped for expensive clothing.
" You did startle me but it's alright. What's your question? " Caroline asked, sending the man a polite smile. She was trying to be nice but she didn't understand why this man was asking her a question when they had never met or seen each other before. Maybe he wanted to ask a question about Josh or the band.
" I was wondering if you would like to dance with me and then maybe head to my place after, " He asked. Caroline's eyes widened. She was not expecting him to ask that question at all.
" I am in a relationship, " Caroline said, trying to make her voice sound demanding. It seemed like it failed as Caroline had always been so nice all her life. The man didn't seem like he cared if she was in a relationship anyway.
" That's okay. He doesn't have to know. This can be a one time thing, " He said, smiling at her while getting closer to her. Caroline was disgusted at this man. She was very worried too at the moment as he was getting way to close for comfort. She tried to think of ways to get back into the house besides the door she came through but realized, again, she didn't even know her way around the house.
" No. I must be going now, " Caroline said, tears brimming her eyes. She tried to push by the man but he grabbed her arm. She winced at the touch and tried to grab her arm back but he was holding to tightly. Caroline hoped Josh would come out any minute or someone that was near could help. Caroline realized though that they were the only two out here, as the other people must have gone inside.
Her wishes were granted though as she saw Josh come out from the door, with a water in his hand. He dropped the water to his feet and his eyes widened. He rushed forward to the guy, his fist rising as he got closer to the mans face. A man from the party grabbed Josh though and another girl came out, her eyes also widening at what she saw. The girl rushed over to Caroline, pushing the man backwards. She placed Caroline into another chair that was next to table.
She looked over at Josh. She had never seen him so angry before. His face was beet red and his hands wouldn't unclench from the fists they were in. The man made sure Josh wasn't going to punch the other man before heading over to him and taking him inside the house, with the girl hot on their trail. The girl sent her a smile and Caroline sent a small one back. She would forever be grateful for her.
Caroline looked down at her hands, a tear landing down on them as she replayed the memories in her head. She was so scared. A pair of hands were placed over hers and she looked up to be met with Josh. She didn't even hear him walk over. She got up from the chair and collapsed into him, sobs coming from her lips. Josh sent soothing words her way and rubbed his hands up and down her back.
The two stood there for a while, wrapped in each other's arms. Caroline had calmed down a bit and now she wanted to leave this house and never come back. Caroline stepped away from Josh, heading towards the door that would lead back to Josh's car. Caroline realized that Josh wasn't following her. She turned around from the door and Josh was standing there.
" I wanted to punch him so bad, " Josh whispered, clenching and unclenching his fists by his sides. Caroline walked over to him and put her hands on his cheeks. She just nodded and Josh knew she understood. She rose up on her feet, pressing her lips against his. It felt so nice to be in such a safe place. The two kissed and then grabbed each other's hands, once again, to walk inside the house.
As the two walked through the house, the new The Doors' song Break On Through was playing through the living room. Josh was surprised and startled as it literally seemed to describe the undesired situation that had happened tonight.
sorry! this was really sad but i really enjoyed writing this and i hope you all enjoyed reading this one shot. it means so much to me you all read this so thank you so much!
this one shot was also set around 1967 since i love writing these one shots in the sixties and seventies.