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Becca rushes outside into the chilly morning air. She had awoke to a snow day and she couldn't have been more grateful to be away from school for a day and enjoy the white glistening snow.
She was interrupted from her thoughts when she felt a whoosh of snow come past her face. She gasped and looked towards the way it had come from. She could see Sam laughing his ass off at the expression on her face.
Becca smirked and quickly ran to the closest tree to hide behind it. She grabbed some snow and formed it into a ball, the gloves on her hands preventing the cold from colliding with her skin. Becca heard the crunching on snow coming her way, an indication that Sam was getting closer to her.
She stepped out from behind the tree and threw the snowball. She let out a giggle and ran towards another tree. As she perched her head up from around the tree she could see Sam wiping the snow from his face.
" Becca! You are getting it now, " Sam yelled, letting out a laugh. She could see him pick up some snow and form it into a ball. She stepped back towards the tree so Sam couldn't see her. Sam, however, tricked the girl as he had already seen her hiding behind it when he wiped the snow from his face.
He slowly went towards the tree and crept up behind her. He threw the snowball, hitting Becca in the back, creating a loud thumping noise. Sam started to run from her and could hear her yelling his name. He only laughed, enjoying how much fun it was to be in nature and with Becca.
Becca came out from under the tree and put her hands up in a surrendering pose. She had a pout on her face, sticking her bottom lip out more.
" I surrender! You win, " She said. Sam came out from where he was hiding and walked up to her. He smiled at her and could see a hint of a smile returning his way from her also.
" We have always had a snowball fight every year and I always win. I am undefeated! " Sam yelled, pointing his fingers up in the sky and going around in a circle, making cheering noises with his mouth.
While Sam was turned, Becca grabbed some snow from the ground and pushed it into a ball. She hid it behind her back as she noticed Sam was about to face her again.
" Sorry babe, " Sam said, holding his arms out for a hug. She slowly went into the hug but quickly moved her hand from her back to collide the snowball in Sam's face. He let out a huff and Becca just laughed.
" Sorry Sam. I guess I won, " She laughed, helping him clean off the snow from his face. She gave a kiss to the tip of his nose. As she was turning away, Sam grabbed her arm to turn her back towards him. He knelt down a bit to place a kiss on her lips.
" You know, " Becca started, pulling away from Sam and going towards her house. " That would have been way more romantic with mistletoe. " Sam let out a giggle at her words and just followed her back towards her house.
hello! sorry it's been a while since i have posted a one shot! i have been quite busy with school and other things! also, thank you all so much for 5k reads on this book!
this one shot was requested by maximoffchains ! i hope you like it! i really enjoyed writing it!