•Pontiac and Dante•✓

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«Jake's POV»

"Hey Jakey"
A voice said in a sing-song tone.I immediately know who that it.
"Are you Doug Judy?"I blurted out."Ding ding!1 point goes to Jakey Bear!"Doug continues the voice,slight irritating me."God did fuckboy gibbs ask you to be here?"I ask,rolling my eyes at the dimming figure infront of me."Nah."He whispered."I told him I was still in the business and he accepted it.I had to snort like 4 grams of cocaine and down 2 bottles of vodka yesterday so I still have a major headache."He said,causing me to let out a soft 'pffft'.

"Why are you here anyways and oh god what are you wearing?Isn't that your dead man suit he died in?"I ask as he sat down on the dirty mattress across me."First off,I'm here to save your ass, secondly yes this is my dead man suit."He responded rather proudly at the second one."Why!?"I exclaim softly."It's the only nice and formal suit I have Jake!"He softly exclaimed back.

"So you got the plan?"He asked with caution.I rolled my eyes and nodded.The plan was that he somehow finds a way to get all,yes all,the guys drunk,before knocking them out and holding them hostage.He thinks,I quote,"Will be easier for the cops to get them",unquote.After that,he bust me out of and sends me back to Brooklyn.

AN:this has somewhat turn into a filler chapter I'm sORRY.Also,thanks for 700 reads y'all!1k is so close aHh.A new chapter will be out on Tuesday 6 November.

Stay safe and happy reading y'all!xx

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