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Celia skipped through the alleys, past the brick walls, down the stone stairs, humming a song that echoed on the walls. Her long golden braids jumped on her back, her feet were light and her head was covered in a dark hood. She stopped skipping and bought her hood further down once she reached the market. Her eyes looked around from under the hood, watching as the children were running around and the adults were spending their coins on juicy fruits and fresh bread.

What caught her eye was an old man, sitting on the floor selling some handmade jewellery. She walked to him and crouched down. She picked up an emerald brooch, watching how its beautiful colour glinted in the sunlight.

"A beauty, isn't it?" The old man said.

"Yes, how much?"

"I'll give it to you for five coins," He smiled

"Can't you lower the price some more?"

"Three coins?"

She smiled and gave him the coins, "Thank you, sir! Have a good day!", she stuffed the brooch in her pouch and walked away.

She walked around the market, the sweet aroma of bread invading her nose and the beautiful colours of fruits pleasing to the eyes. Her senses were overwhelmed at the liveliness of the city, the beautiful city of Thronna.

She took her time buying some bread, vegetables and some meat. She skipped back to her Grandmother's home, glad that no one had recognised her yet.

"Mother, I'm back!"

"Oh Celia, what took you so long?"

"Sorry mother, I got carried away," Celia said, handing her mother the things she got and walking to her grandmother who was sitting on a chair smiling at her.

"My beautiful Celia," her eyes were warm and content

"Grandmother, I got you something!" Celia took out the brooch and attached it to the collar of her Grandmother's dress.

Her Grandmother gasped when she saw it, staring at it in wonder "Oh what a beautiful colour!" she grabbed Celia's hand "Thank you, my beautiful Celia."


"Master Cedric! We've found something!"

Cedric walked to where they were gathered; a large rock, but on that rock, a message was written in blood.

"If you find us, we'll reward you." A guard read the message.

Cedric frowned at that "They think we're playing games." He turned to the men who were meant to deliver the resources "They've been stealing our resources thanks to you, I want you to stay here with a few guards for a few days to see if they'll come back, in the meantime, I will meet with the master of Demondale to explain everything."


"Fifth fraction" Aden muttered

Gregor took out the map that Illyria had completed and examined it. "It says here that this is the Vonks' territory,"


"I don't like the sound of them, let's stay on guard-" that's when they heard a distant echo, a murmur.

"What was that?" Aden said, his eyes widening in fear.

Gregor tightened his grip on his dagger, he did not like the sound of this.

"Let's try and leave this fraction quickly, we only have two left, come on," Alan said as he started to make his way through the mist.

They walked quietly, only the sound of their loud breathing was heard. A snapping sound made them all turn around and wield their weapons in fear. There was nothing there, they must have started to lose their minds because all they could see was the light fog.

They carried on walking, their shoulders tense and their eyes wide open, afraid that if they blink they might never open their eyes again.

"I don't like this," Aden whispered and got shushed by everyone before he could carry on.

The lack of moonlight was not enough for them to see far distances, it felt as though the tree branches were reaching out to grab them and their shadows were following them. It felt as though any wrong step would lead to their death and the tension in the air was strong. Gregor's heart was hammering against his chest, the silence was making him more nervous.

That's when they heard it, a sound of something dragging on the grass. They stopped in their tracks, their eyes followed the sound, but it seemed to be moving around them in circles. The sound was coming from behind the trees, moving around them quickly.

The men stood in a circle formation with their backs to each other, their weapons wielded, their stance ready, waiting for something to attack them.

A twig snapped underneath one of the mens' feet, and after that everything happened so quickly. Sharp fangs jumped out from the trees, saliva dripping down its jaw as it ripped one of the men to pieces in seconds.

Gregor froze when he saw what was behind the fangs, a large snake-like creature, it's body thicker than a tree trunk and so long. The Vonk had fierce red eyes that sat within it's thorny, angular skull and above them were two large horns. A row of long tendrils ran down it's back, and its body was covered in sharp scales that looked like they could kill with one touch. An image of death Gregor thought.

The Vonk dug its fangs in one of the men, making him turn a pale shade of purple. Venom? The man screamed in agony as his eyes rolled to the back of his, "Help! Help!" but everyone was stood, frozen at the horror. The man's yelling died with him as he became hard as stone, his eyes open and his jaw slack.

Gregor gulped and transformed his arm. The Vonk screeched loudly, lifting its head to the sky and waving it about in victory.

"This won't do, if we don't stop this one others will join!" Alan yelled. The Vonk snapped its head towards Alan and slithered his way.

"Alan get away from there!" Greg screamed, aiming his arrow at the Vonk's eye. But Alan did not move, he stood there with his sword out until the Vonk's head came rushing down and pulled him between its sharp teeth. 


Another cliffhanger, I love them! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to vote and leave a comment!

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